Mayhem at the Museum

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Inside the brand new Coolsonium Criminology Museum, an evening of grace and elegance was already underway. Many patrons walked the halls of the museum, as they either mingled, danced, or indulged in tasty food. Speaking of which, Shaggy and Scooby sat at a table with their plates piled high with mountains of food. So high in fact, they could almost touch the ceiling. They started shoveling the food into their mouths, one morsel at a time, and never once managed to break their stride. Scrappy walked on by them with a much smaller plate of food and looked at them with such wide eyes.

"Seriously, where do you guys put it all?" He asked, amazed.

After gulping down a large amount of food, Shaggy smiled toward the little pup.

"Like we've had years of practice, Scrappy old buddy," He said. "When you've got a metabolism like me and your Uncle Scooby here, this is just a late-night snack."

"Ruh huh!" Scooby responded, with his mouth still full.

"Sheesh! Your stomachs must be made of scrap iron or something!" Scrappy remarked.

"Can I help it if my first toy was a garbage disposal?"

The little pup kept walking while Shaggy and Scooby kept scarfing down their food. As he walked, he noticed Spike and Flurry observing the many costumes of past villains Mystery Inc. encountered. Walking right alongside them, he looked up at the one they were currently observing: the Ghost of Redbeard.

"You guys know the story about this one?" He asked them.

"Lemme guess," Spike responded. "It's about a guy who heard the story about a buried treasure and dressed like a pirate ghost to scare people away while he searched for it."

"Or maybe someone who just really liked dressing like it's Nightmare Night every day?" Flurry joked.

The three little ones shared a laugh before Scrappy began to tell the 'real' story.

"Actually, the story of ol' Redbeard starts with the famous shipping tycoon, C.L. Magnus," He explained. "His shipping business used to be one of the biggest on the high seas until eventually profits started to gravely diminish and he found himself in financial trouble. So he created the Redbeard character with a few of his henchmen dressing like pirate ghosts and plundered his own ships to sell the products."

"Wait a minute! Now I'm lost," Spike spoke up. "Why plunder your own ships to steal your own supplies you were hoping to sell anyway?"

"Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?" Flurry added.

"Well, the thing is that when his shipping companies sold the products, all the money went into the company rather than Magnus' own pockets. So he figured he'd steal his products to sell himself and all the money would just go right back to him."

Spike and Flurry both looked back up at the costume as they let the story soak in. To think pretty much every single costume in this wing had a similar back story to that was much to take in. People driven to crime due to financial ruin, greed, or even worse. This was both sad, yet pitiful, at the same time.

"So what happened to Magnus?" Spike asked.

"Well the gang solved the mystery, and he went to jail," Scrappy answered. "I think he's out now, but no one's seen him ever since. Come to think of it, I don't really know what became of 'any' of the people that got arrested."

"Well whatever happened, it serves them right," Flurry said. "Breaking the law is never okay, no matter what circumstances there were."

"Wise words to live by," Scrappy nodded.

The three then walked off to see what else the museum had to offer. Flurry returned to her parents' side, as they both stood with Rarity and Fluttershy. They all looked at the costume of the Ozark Witch.

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