Heroes At Last

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Following all the chaos, and all the mayhem in between, all had been set right in Coolsville at last. As the morning rays shined upon the old Coolsville mining town, a number of reporters, press, and fans swarmed the area as Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians led the now handcuffed masked figure out of the building (Don't ask how they got the handcuffs). Immediately, the reporters crowded around Mystery Inc. with all sorts of questions they could think of.

"Mystery Inc., do you know the identity of the Evil Masked Figure behind it all?" A newswoman asked, flooded with other reporters.

"Well, if our hunch is correct," Velma drawled. "The Evil Masked Figure is..."

Without a further moment to waste, the group proceed to unmask the mysterious figure.

"NO!!!" The Evil Masked Figure growled.

Soon as the mask was removed, a certain female reporter was revealed. The crowd gasped in surprise, even the Equestrian group were a bit shocked by who it was.

"Heather Jasper-Howe," Daphne smirked.

Scooby nodded along with the others, but even he seemed surprised as Patrick emerged from the crowd along with Old Man Wickles. To say all the reporters were confused was a gross understatement.

"But she was at the museum when the masked figure was on the roof," Another newswoman pointed out.

"Even I must concur with that darling," Rarity piped in. "Not to mention we both spoke to her when we all witnessed the masked figure on the roof."

"You almost had us there, didn't you?" Daphne asked the smirking Heather.

"So how'd she manage to pull it off?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Luckily for her she had an assistant helping her along with her evil plans," Daphne informed.

She then pointed toward the middle of the crowd where there stood Heather's most trusted cameraman.


Ned looked around, but before he could run away some cops beside him grabbed the man.

"When I realized she was the Evil Masked Figure, he quickly changed into her costume," Daphne replied.

"But why'd she do it?" The first newswoman asked.

"Because Heather Jasper-Howe is actually..."

Velma grabbed and removed Heather's face, revealing to be yet another mask of an older man.

"Dr. Jonathan Jacobo: The original Pterodactyl Ghost."

Everyone's eyes went wide, and all their mouths dropped in complete, utter confusion over this.

"But how do you know this?" Another reporter asked.

"I can answer that one."

Twilight Sparkle approached the reporters, using her magic to pull out the newspaper clipping they had discovered from the shine and displayed it to the people.

"When we were in the monster hive, we located Dr. Jacobo's lair and discovered this newspaper clipping," Twilight explained. "Upon closer inspection, it clearly showed the man in front of the newly finished Criminology museum."

"That's absolutely right Twilight," Velma nodded. "According to the prison that he was incarcerated in, Jacobo supposedly died a year before construction even began."

"So, Jacobo survived that fall off the prison wall," Shaggy said.

"Reah!" Scooby nodded.

"He also adopted that false Heather Jasper-Howe persona to turn the press against us," Scrappy added.

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