The Black Knight

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Hidden in an unknown location, somewhere within the city of Coolsville, Chrysalis and Sombra plotted their next move against their sworn enemies. What happened at the museum was merely a message to Mystery Inc., along with those foolish ponies. But now... they needed a course of action against them.

"Have you thought of anything yet?!" Sombra snipped impatiently.

"I'm thinking!" Chrysalis growled. "Which is certainly more than I can say for you."

"Forgive me for not contributing more efficiently," Sombra said sarcastically. "I find it quite difficult to think of a plan without a physical brain... or a 'body' for that matter."

Chrysalis just scoffed, as she turned back and proceeded to search through the number of things their masked accomplice had in their possession. Her green eyes scanned over what resembled some form of ancient looking tome and she proceeded to flip through a series of pages. When she caught sight of a particularly interesting piece in the text, it made her smile a twisted, fanged grin.

"So... this is how he made that flying beast," She grinned. "Seems we just have a way to make this happen."

The ghostly black image of Sombra floated beside her, glancing toward the book and to what she was looking at. Soon as his eyes landed upon it, he too grinned maliciously.

"Indeed..." He nodded. "Soon we'll not only succeed in getting me a physical form, but also create our own army of monsters."

"And this time, those pitiful ponies will stand no chance against us!" Chrysalis smiled.

Walking toward an old mirror off to the side, she lit up her jagged horn with her dark magic and used the mirror to spy on the ponies in question (Specifically Shining Armor and Cadance).

"Those stupid royals think their love is strong enough to defeat us," Chrysalis chuckled. "Well, there's one thing that they don't know..."

With their evil plan racing through her head, Chrysalis did something she generally tried not to do all that much... she sang.

Chrysalis (Sings):
Mirror mirror, could not be clearer
That love is a waste of time
I'm here to tell you with love's magic spell
You cannot match the power of mine

Once I loved and once I learned
Love is weakness
Love will leave you burned

Using her magic, Chrysalis quickly popped over to Mystery Inc headquarters and started to trash the place, mainly anything belonging to the ponies.

Chrysalis (sings):
Down with love, down with hope
Don't need blind faith to cope
Or inspiring songs in my heart
Got the magic I need
For my darkest of deeds
Love at times can entrance
But love doesn't stand a chance
Love doesn't stand a chance

Mirror mirror, the times draws nearer
For me to enact my curse
Those happy feelings
That send them reeling
Will soon become the reverse

Down with love, down with hope
Don't need blind faith to cope
Or inspiring songs in my heart
Got the magic I need
For my darkest of deeds
Love at times can entrance
But love doesn't stand a chance
Love doesn't stand a chance

Chrysalis spotted Flurry's little whammy sitting on the couch which she had brought with her on this trip.  Chrysalis chuckled to herself as she used her magic to pick up the little snail...and ripped it in half before popping back to their secret location.

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