A New Mystery

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After the Pterodactyl Ghost attack, the Coolsonium Criminology Museum now laid in ruins with shards of broken glass and destroyed costumes everywhere. Most of the patrons already left in fear, while some had to be taken away to receive medical attention for injuries sustained during the attack. The only ones remaining in the museum were the police currently closing the area off as a crime scene, reporters covering the attack, Mystery Inc., and the Equestrians.

Speaking of whom, Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor were in the midst of scolding Spike and Flurry Heart for endangering themselves with that monster.

"Do you guys have any idea how bad that could've been?!" Twilight scolded loudly. "You could've easily gotten hurt!"

"Busted wing, busted limbs, cracked head, I could go on forever," Shining added. "The point is: You two should've just stayed in hiding while we took care of it."

"But we just wanted to help!" Flurry argued. "We're both capable of helping and we didn't want to sit on the sidelines."

"Yeah, like last time," Spike huffed.

Hearing that made Twilight's angry demeanor crack a slight, instead replaced with one of guilt. She knew Spike was still extremely upset about being left out of their last adventure in this world. Hence why for the previous adventures, regardless of how dangerous, Twilight always made sure to bring Spike along. She approached the little dragon's side, placing a gentle hoof around him.

"Look Spike, I'm really sorry you got left behind," She apologized. "I know last time you really wanted to be here helping us out. And we're really glad you're along for the ride this time."

"Then why is it such a problem trying to help you guys now?" Spike asked.

"It's not so much you guys trying to help us because we 'do' appreciate it," Twilight answered. "What worries us is the fact you guys deliberately put yourselves in danger, not thinking about what could've happened to you."

"But we just..." Flurry began.

"No 'buts' about it Flurry Heart," Shining said disappointed. "From now on, when we instruct you to do something, you're expected to do it without question. Do I make myself clear young filly?"

Flurry looked as if she were about to argue further, but the stern look from her father's face quickly made her shut her muzzle. Instead, she just looked down in defeat.

"Yes daddy," She sighed sadly.

Shining turned to walk off and Flurry followed closely behind, still hanging her head in shame and sadness. As they walked, they passed the rest of the Mane Six who were examining the stand where the Pterodactyl Ghost had stood before. Velma was among them trying to determine the possibility of how the creature even made it inside the museum and past all security. Many of the girls were still in shock after the discovery that not only had Chrysalis returned for revenge, but King Sombra had somehow been resurrected.

"I just don't get it," Rainbow spoke confused. "We blasted Sombra to ashes... twice! Once in the Crystal Empire, and the other time in Canterlot. How the hay could he possibly have survived that?"

"Ah don't know either sugarcube," Applejack shrugged. "It just don't make a lick ah sense tah me. Ah mean there ain't never been no foe we used the elements on that done ever come back."

"Well we did use the Elements to turn Discord back to stone," Pinkie reminded. "Then... Celestia told us to use those same elements to bring him back too."

"Urgh! Don't remind me Pinkie," Rainbow groaned, assuming a fighting stance. "Whatever the case, it don't matter. If he and that old bug want another go, I don't have a problem bringing the pain to 'em again. I'll give a huge 'BAM!' and a 'POW' and a 'HEEE—YAH!!!'"

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