Sneaking Out & New Looks

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After their terrifying encounter with the Black Knight at Wickles manor, Mystery Inc. and their Equestrian friends made their return to headquarters. There were many new questions that only the clues they were able to find could help them answer and they needed to return A.S.A.P. When Fred pulled the Mystery Machine into the driveway, everyone jumped out in a blast and hurried their way inside.

When everyone saw the scene before them, they were horrified by the grizzly sight. Artifacts and clothing strewn everywhere, every square inch as far as the eye could see was now a complete wreck. What was most confusing was the fact it wasn't even Mystery Inc. stuff that was destroyed, just those belonging to the Equestria team.

"What happened here?" Twilight asked shocked.

"Looks like Chrysalis and Sombra had a field day in our absence," Shining observed.

"How can you tell?" Fluttershy asked.

Shining stepped forward, examining all of their destroyed belongings. It was then he noticed black dust covering everything. Even more so, there was also some strange glowing substance.

"Remnants of black magic and Changeling saliva," Shining pointed out.

Flurry Heart peered from behind her mother and noticed something in the midst of the rubble that brought her to tears. Walking forward, at a slow pace, she used her magic to pick the torn remnants of her prized possession... her 'Whammy'. The same toy snail she loved so much growing up, now reduced to a pile of cotton. The poor little filly broke down in tears.

Cadance walked alongside her daughter, drawing her to her side allowing a side for Flurry to cry upon. Her mother placed a comforting wing over her daughter, as she sobbed softly.

"I'm sorry about your Whammy, sweetie," She apologized.

"Alright, now I'll really enjoy making Chrysalis and Sombra pay!" Rainbow said through gritted teeth. "Messing with us is one thing. But making a little filly cry... that's a new low!"

"Ah couldn't agree with ya more hun," Applejack nodded.

"If we want any chance against them, we must work immediately to identify all the clues we've found," Rarity advised.

"Rarity is absolutely right," Twilight agreed. "What do we do with our research, Velma?"

"I'm going to compare the glow of those footprints to the Pterodactyl scale," Velma replied.

"We'll check Wickles' book," Fred suggested.

"Great!" Pinkie smiled. "I'll fire up the oven and whip us some mystery-solving cookies! You'll thank me later!"

The pink party pony bounced off into the kitchen, leaving everyone else to their work. The only ones remaining within the vicinity were Scooby Doo, Shaggy Rogers, Scrappy Doo, Spike, and Flurry Heart. The latter of whom was still rather upset over her Whammy, cuddling it close to her chest. Uncle Scooby naturally tried his best to calm her down.

"Rits okay, Rurry," He assured her. "Re can rix it!"

"No, it's okay Uncle Scooby," Flurry spoke, wiping her tears. "I'll be fine..."

"I know what'll cheer you up," Spike spoke up. "Our major clue will lead us to our biggest lead to date... the Faux Ghost."

"Dude, the Faux Ghost is an awesome clue!" Shaggy whispered, joyfully.

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

"But what do we do with it?" Shaggy then wondered.

"We check it out and find some answers," Scrappy said.

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