Monster Hive

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Back along the Coolsville docks, the 'Crime Solving' goofs were still cleaning garbage off themselves after narrowly escaping the Faux Ghost. Spike picked off old eggshells off his scales, Flurry tried removing a mustard stain from her coat, while Scooby, Shaggy, and Scrappy picked old food off themselves. To say they were all grossed out beyond belief would be the biggest understatement of all time.

"Ugh, I smell like a gas station toilet," Spike cringed.

"How would you even know what 'that' smells like?" Flurry nearly gagged.

"I had to use the bathroom at some point during these last few adventures. And I learned something about myself during those times: I... hate... gas station... bathrooms!"

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie bounced up alongside the rest of the group without a single shred of trash anywhere on her.

"Wowie, wow, wow!" She exclaimed excitedly. "That was so much fun! It was even better than the time Cheesy and I threw that huge party in Baltimare. We danced with Songbird Serenade from dawn till dusk!"

This caused both Spike and Flurry to face her with confusion.

"When did you do that?" Flurry asked her.

"Oh, it was in the timeline expanse between the last Cinematic Adventure," Pinkie answered.


"Oh, come on!" Pinkie looked up. "Someone or some pony had to talk of events of the previous year."

Grr... you are SO lucky you're adorable!

You do know she's married, right?

Not what I was talking about but thank you.

Anyways... the group continued walking along the docks when suddenly they heard a rather loud commotion from further down the trail.


Everyone jumped when they heard the loudness (And anger) in the person's voice.

"Yikes! I wonder what's going on," Scrappy spoke curiously.

"With how loud their yelling, I don't even want to know," Flurry responded hesitantly.

Slowly approaching, ever more closely, the crew noticed two people in what appeared to be a scuffle as one man had another presses against a wall, as he was more or less demanding than the other.

"Now I want you to question all your scum-bucket friends. Find out what they know about those stolen costumes. Or else you'll be known as the Soiled Underwear Ghost! I want answers. Now, go! Now!"

"Y-es, sir, yes, sir..." The other man stammered, walking out in fear.

The group looked on with wide eyes as the other man soon turned around and dusted himself off. Looking into each other's eyes, they were all surprised to see it was none other than... Patrick.

"Patrick?" Shaggy spoke shocked.

Even Patrick himself seemed shocked seeing the others looking at him.

"Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, and uh... what were your names again?" He asked Spike and Flurry.

"Spike," Spike waved nervously.

"Flurry Heart," Flurry added.

Then Pinkie popped up behind Patrick and tapped him on the shoulder, which made him jump in alarm.

"And I'm Pinkie Pie!" She said excitedly. "Cupcake extraordinaire by day, secret agent at night. All sweet, all secretive!"

Patrick took a moment to get over his initial shock before chuckling awkwardly.

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed Where stories live. Discover now