The Faux Ghost

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Later that very same night, Shaggy Rogers, Scooby Doo, Pinkie Pie, Scrappy Doo, Spike, and Flurry Heart snuck under the cover of nightfall toward the Coolsville Docks. Shaggy hid himself behind a slab of wood so he wouldn't be seen while both Pinkie and Scooby expertly maneuvered themselves James Bond style. Spike, Scrappy, and Flurry had no problems staying hidden given they were small enough to hide behind a great number of items along the docks.

Eventually, they found themselves near the ends of the docks where there stood a large wooden building with a new sign in front of a man being unmasked.

"That's it you guys," Shaggy pointed out. "The Faux Ghost."

"Man... I was expecting a little more," Spike moaned disappointed. "Looks kind of plain if you ask me."

"What were you expecting?" Scrappy asked Spike. "A bunch of rampaging monsters running all over the place?"

"Don't be silly Scrappers," Pinkie giggled. "Besides, we're still way ahead of the story before running from monsters just yet..."

Pinkie Pie!

Remember our talk about spoilers?!

"Oopsie, sorry guys!" Pinkie spoke to the sky.

Everyone looked at Pinkie for a moment before shaking their heads and faced the entrance to the club.

"Are some of these folks the people you guys unmasked?" Flurry asked.

"You bet..." Shaggy said, examining familiar faces. "Like, that's C.L. Magnus. He used to dress up as Redbeard's ghost. And that's Aggie Wilkins a.k.a. the Ozark Witch."

"Okay... we heard the story about C.L. Magnus. But what about this Wilkins and the Ozark thing?"

"Well the story of the 'Ozark Witch' actually involved Aggie's ex-boyfriend, Zeke Harkins," Scrappy Doo explained. "Zeke buried some money from a bank he robbed a while back, around a half of a million dollars."

"Oh my!" Flurry gasped.

"Aggie found directions to the carving on the board of this cabin, which was a map that explained how to get the money, in Zeke's old spell-book and like tried to take the money for herself," Shaggy added. "Then like these Hatfield guys moved in and Aggie had to get rid of them by making up the witch legend."

"And she even used her pet cat to make them think she could turn into a witch too!" Scrappy recalled.

"Rats! Grrr..." Scooby snarled.

"Eventually Zeke did break out of prison when he learned Aggie discovered the directions, and returned to the location of the money trying to retrieve it before Aggie could," Scrappy continued.

"Yikes!" Spike said. "Talk about a toxic relationship."

"Yeah... and if they spot us, we'll be invited to a weenie roast, one where we're the weenies!" Shaggy shugdded.

"Mmm... rot-dogs!" Scooby sighed hungrily.

"Which basically means... we'll most likely get killed?" Spike asked nervously.

"Pretty much," Scrappy nodded.

"Like there's gotta be a way that we can use our awesome new skills to get us in there without being recognized," Shaggy wondered.

Everyone thought over all the possibilities over how to get themselves into the club undetected. But this proved to be a rather difficult subject to think about. That's when an invisible lightbulb went off in Flurry's head.

"I got it guys!" She said.

"Whatcha got Flurry?" Scrappy asked.

"I've been practicing my magic with Uncle Starburst and Uncle Thorax a while back. I think I've fully mastered the art of Changeling disguise."

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