Reuniting with the gang

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The crystal-clear portal opened, and the group consisting of the Mane Six, Spike, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart stepped out from the other side. Stepping into the new dimension, they expected to step out into the light of day. But instead, the black of night itself met them. Luna's moon shined high in the sky, amongst millions of sparkling, twinkling stars all of which lit up the otherwise dark sky.

The group looked around to analyze exactly where they ended up this time, but their search quickly ended when they turned around to see that they stood before the front of 'Mystery Inc.' headquarters. It wasn't hard to tell this was the base of operation for the crime solving sleuths due to the iconic Mystery Machine parked out front.

"Well, looks like we're here," Twilight pointed out.

"Pretty hard to mistake the paint job on that van for anything else," Rainbow nodded.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Pinkie questioned excitedly.

The party pony bounced toward the front door and everyone else quickly followed behind. Pinkie gently tapped on the door two times, so lightly it would have been difficult for anyone to hear. She waited maybe 'one' whole second before she stared pounding the door lightly.

"Come on!" She yelled. "Pick it up! Show a little hustle in there!"

Not even a few moments later, the door swung open, and the group saw the familiar face of the leader of Mystery Inc. himself, Fred Jones. The strapping man with dirty blonde hair wore what resembled a really fancy dark blue suit and his trademark orange ascot tied into... well, a 'tie'. Once his eyes darted down upon the familiar group of ponies, including the baby dragon, he smiled at them.

"Well hey there guys!" He greeted. "Wow! It's been a whole minute, hasn't it?"

"Ya got that right Jones!" Rainbow replied.

The spry Pegasus floated towards Fred and proceeded to fist/hoof bump with one another.

"Good to see you too Dash," Fred smiled at her.

"You too jughead," Rainbow smirked.

Fred turned toward the rest of the group, gesturing them inside.

"Well come on in," He ushered. "Soon as the rest of the gang finish getting ready, we can all head out together."

The entire group made their way indoors and were taken aback in shock at the sight of the Mystery Inc. HQ. The entire building was huge, with all different assortment of furniture, paintings, and all other forms of the most amazing things.

 The entire building was huge, with all different assortment of furniture, paintings, and all other forms of the most amazing things

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Everyone took a moment to fully take in the area around them, looking on in utter amazement.

"Wow, cool place!" Spike admired.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Fred nodded. "Built this place not too long after getting back from Spooky Island. Figured with Mystery Inc. back together again, we needed a sweet pad to rock in."

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