Part 4: School

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"I know that I did not just see you talking to Draco Malfoy." Hermione's need for knowledge didn't stop at transfiguration. 

"Yeah, he's staying with me and my dad this week."

"That's huge you've had a crush on him since the first year of Hogwarts."

"Shhhh he'll hear you."

"Sorry, but this is huge!" She was now whisper yelling all her excitement about the situation.

"How did you know that I liked him anyways?"

" Oh please, it's obvious I see the way you look at him and like he doesn't look at you the same way. It's insulting that you didn't tell me I am your best friend."

"I'll tell you these things when you tell me you have a crush on Ron." 

"I do not that is Ronald Weasly we're talking about I've been one of his best friends since 1st year?"

"Really Hermione you're a terrible liar." I state matter a factly. 

"Fine," Hermione says with a sigh. 

"It's insulting that you didn't tell me I am your best friend," I say mockingly then walk ahead.

"Come on we're gonna be late for Potions." I drag Hermione behind you and speedwalk to potions.

Hermione follows you and you both get to potions where your dad is about to start teaching. You take your seat right next to Hermione, behind Draco, and (to your displease) Pansy Parkinson. You hated her she was always flirting with Draco.
For the rest of the class, all I can think about is how Pansy keeps putting her hand on Draco's arms and giggles while he looks visually uncomfortable. 

I lean over and whisper to Hermione. "She's all over him as if he's the last guy on earth"


"Oh please me, jealous of her? Not in a million years." The rest of the lesson was quiet between me and Hermione. 

I can't take it anymore Pansy is such a tramp. I scribbled something down on a piece of paper and throw it on her desk.

 'If you keep flirting with Draco you'll end up petrified before you can say chamber of secrets' 

After that Pansy stopped flirting (which came with a deep sense of satisfaction. I don't know why I wrote that down I mean it wasn't true. It worked though so I didn't dwell on it much longer.

Draco's POV

I saw y/n pass a note to Pansy. I didn't know what was on it but whatever it was I was thankful because Pansy finally stopped flirting with me. 

After class was over Professor Snape asked us to stay after class. "Yes, professor," I said.

 "I will be going out of town starting tonight and will not be returning till Sunday night."

 "So you're leaving us till Sunday?" Y/n asked.

"You have my trust." His pale face glares at me with a look that says if you ever touch my daughter I will find out and murder your entire family.

" Now go you will be late for your other classes." 

We turn around and go to our next class.

The day was pretty blank that was until the end of it.

 I was walking with Crabbe and Goyle to the Hufflepuff common room to pick up Y/n when I see Dedric Diggity at least I think that's his name (😂sorry couldn't help myself). He was flirting with her I don't know why but this infuriated me. Maybe it was the fact that she looked so uncomfortable or maybe it was some unknown reason I wasn't ready to uncover. 

"Hey, Diggity stop flirting with my girlfriend." They both looked very confused. 

"It's Diggory." He corrected.

."As if I care, get away from her."

"Or what Malfoy." 

"Or you'll end up with a black eye as a souvenir."

"The famous Draco Malfoy is all talk."

I punch him and he stumbles back and runs away. 

"Sorry about that."

 She picks up her book bag and we exit Hogwarts and start to walk home without saying a word.

He's Staying With Me (Draco Malfoy and y/n Snape love story) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now