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——— NOTE: since a lot of people were sad over 'real', which is the first chapter, i'll be posting the second part rn

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——— NOTE: since a lot of people were sad over 'real', which is the first chapter, i'll be posting the second part rn.


'I don't know what's so interesting about me...' [name] had thought, watching as people with cameras swarmed them as they got out of their car that was on the way to the mall.

You see, a lot of people have taken an interest in [name] ever since they were revealed to be a former North Korean defector.

[name] rose to prominence in the eyes of the entire world.

They became an inspiration for others who wanted to strive for better.

An inspiration... for others. How ironic.

Seeing as [name]'s inspiration was someone who they had believed to be real, was actually nothing but fiction.

Everything was so overwhelming to [name], but they took this as an opportunity to speak about important topics happening around the world, making them much more recognized than before.

Everyone seemed to recognized [name]  as one of the most influential public speakers in Korea.

Although all the success did not make [name] happy one bit. It was actually a bother to their everyday life. Because [name] can't go anywhere without being surrounded by people or having a microphone shoved in their face.

Months passed as [name] finally was able to move on and decided to start being happy.

It was raining when [name] decided to go to a coffee shop.

Adjusting their shades, [name] rushed inside the coffee shop as the thunder stuck lightly behind them.

[name] shivers, drying their oversized hoodie, before looking around for an unoccuppied table.

Spotting a vacant table at the shaded part of the coffee shop, [name] rushes to the table accidentally knocking into a girl who was headed to the same table [name] had spotted.

"Oh, sorry, you can use the table." [name] apologized, bowing slightly before heading to find another vacant table.

A hand suddenly latches on to [name]'s wrist making them stop in their tracks.

"No! It's alright, maybe we can share the table. I might need some company anyway." The stranger mumbled, shyly retrieving their hand back.

"Oh! Thank you so much." [name] sat down across the stranger smiling at her politely.

After ordering [name] finally took of the shades and their mask, since it was getting hot.

[name] was fanning themselves before turning to look at the stranger sitting across, only to find her sniffing, wiping her tears.

Concerned, [name] reached out to tap the other side of the table. "Hey miss, are you okay?"

The girl was wearing a hat and a mask, seeming to be also hiding themselves.

"Sorry, it's just that I found out that my boyfriend of 6 years, decided that I wasn't worth his time anymore, went and cheated on me. I escaped him a while ago and went here, so I apologize if I took your table." Her voice quivered slightly, wiping her tears once again.

"Look, whoever that asshole is, they better not show up in your life anymore, because 6 years is a long time and for him to just throw away your relationship like that is a shitty move." [name] comforted the girl in front of them, giving them an encouraging smile.

The girl finally stopped crying, having to take a better look at the person in front of her.

"Hey you're that one person right? [name] [lastname]? Correct me if I'm wrong." [name] chuckled, finally removing their bucket hat.

"Guilty." The girl smiled at [name]'s response before saying something. "You know, I really love your work. You inspired me so much."

[name] never really cared about compliments, but something about the girl in front of them calling them an inspiration made [name]'s stomach swarm with butterflies.

"O-oh, really? Well, that's good to hear." [name] slightly blushed, shyly rubbing their nape.

The girl giggled before taking a sip of her drink before striking another conversation with [name].

Talking was never [name]'s thing. But something about the stranger in front of them made [name] forget all her doubts and negative thoughts.

Eventually [name] and the girl became good friends...


As [name] was laughing at the joke the girl told, they checked their phone.

"Shit! I have an interview in an hour and a half. I need to get going." [name] hurried up to the counter as they left a tip, before coming back to the table where the girl she met hours ago was sitting.

"I apologize, but I have to take my leave. It was really nice talking to you though." [name] hesitantly bowed down, a bit sad that they'll be leaving without the girl's number.

As if [name]'s prayers were answered, the girl gasped, "I haven't even give you my name or number! Wow, I guess I really liked talking to you huh. The time flew by so fast..."

"Here, give me your phone." The girl gently grabs the phone out of [name]'s hand, typing out her phone number.


Jung Hoyeon <3



As [name] looked up from their phone, they saw the girl's mask and shades removed, revealing the girl's pretty face.

[name] froze, their brain malfunctioning. Hoyeon must've noticed this and laughed.

"I see you might've recognized me now, I'm the actress from Squid Game. Have you heard of the show yet?"

"I u-um, yeah! I did. You're really talented!" [name] spluttered, feeling their cheeks grow red out of embarrassment.

"You're so adorable!" Hoyeon chuckled, pulling [name]'s cheeks in a playful manner.

"I thought you needed to go? I don't want you to be late for your interview because of me!" Hoyeon looked at her phone.

[name] just stared dumbfounded at the girl in front of them, unable to utter a word out.

Hoyeon giggled again before kissing [name]'s cheek.

"Thanks for cheering me up."

[name]'s eyes followed the girl's figure as she walks out of the coffee shop, their heart racing a thousand miles.

[name] chuckled, touching the part where she kissed their face.

"At least this time it's real."



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