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The wind is cold, blowing through the opening of your apartment's window. Your head sits comfortably on top of your girlfriend's lap, as your eyes flutter close—you feel sleepiness taking over. You're going to fall asleep.

Above you, Sae-byeok seems immersed in something on her phone, her hand occasionally coming to scratch your scalp gently, reminding you that she remembers you're here despite her unusual focused behavior.

You yawn a little. "What are you doing?"

She hums lowly. "Searching stuff."

Since Sae-byeok got her first paycheck, she has been acting weird. You figured she was trying to find something to spend it on now that she could finally think about her own.

"Hmmm..." you almost drift off, "Searching for what?"


You feel too tired to push her for an answer and give in to sleep, allowing your body to relax entirely.

You wake up to the sunlight shining through your curtains in a way that doesn't hurt your head. It's pretty and comfortable, and you realize you're sleeping on the couch. Your head is on your most recently bought (and most comfortable) pillow, and your body is covered by a light blanket. The fan on the ceiling is spinning at a slow rhythm, the rays of sunlight bringing just the right amount of warmth into the apartment.

You blink yourself awake a bit more and stretch, deciding to begin your search for your girlfriend (as you did nearly every morning, considering she was always up before you). You took slow and lazy steps towards the kitchen to find her trying to... cook? Or something. It looked like she was cooking. At least she's trying her best to do so. She looked your way and nodded slightly.

"Hey." she said, "Slept well?"

You nodded quietly before wobbling your way into the kitchen.

"What're you makin'?"


"That does not look like bibimbap--"

"Listen, I'm trying." she argues, grumbling half-heartedly as her gaze stays on the food in her hands.

"I can see that," you chuckled, walking over to her until your chin was set on her shoulder. "Want any help?"

"I don't need it."

"Do you really?"


The doorbell rang, positively startling the both of you, before Saebyeok abandoned her cooking tools and walked over to the front door.

What you recognized as a delivery man's voice spoke to the girl for a bit, before the door closed back again. You stared blankly as Saebyeok moonwalked her way back into the living room in a poor attempt to hide what she got, set something on the table (hidden from your view) and walked back towards the kitchen.

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