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——— NOTE: i really recommend you to play the song above while reading this for a better experience :))

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——— NOTE: i really recommend you to play the song above while reading this for a better experience :))


Under the bright gleaming stars that shone above, you sat peacefully on the rooftop. Sae-byeok and your breathing were rhythmic as each exhale created the soft puff of fog that portrayed the apparent cold. You shivered, and so did she—but still felt a feeling of warmth from sitting side by side.

"Why did you drag me up here again?" She muttered to you while still picking at her fingers. You chuckled softly, "Something called stargazing. It's calming, y'know?"

Having a confused look on her face and furrowed brows, she turned her head slowly. "Ever heard of light pollution?"

"Light pollution sucks." You began, "But you can still see some of the stars, look!" You exclaimed and pointed to a few stars that you could see faintly. Sae-byeok moved her head forwards and squinted to try and see it. "—And the north star!"

While you can hear her hum, she keeps her gaze on the sky, trying to see any faint fragments left by the light pollution which covered the city.

"You kinda remind me of the moon," you say to her after a longing silence, grabbing Sae-byeok's attention as she kept stoic. It was a sudden comment, maybe too sudden.

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" She asked, and you couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Yes, of course, it is." You reply in a playful but mocking manner and you could see a soft smile tug upon her lips too. But when she looked back down to the ground, it faded.

Swallowing, she thought for a moment. she didn't know what to do. Over the past few months, she has noticed she has developed feelings for you, and not just little ones—big ones. Her heart pounded whenever she saw you. You made Sae-byeok feel like her heart was going to explode by being so excited or enthusiastic about the little things—the stars, the moon, sitting outside during a cold day, and always turning the worst of days—into the days where it felt that just the sun was shining.

"Sae?" you tap her shoulder rapidly, "Sae!"

Within moments, the girl snapped out of her reverie, her heart pounding once again.

"Are you okay? we can go inside if you want—" You faltered, though she just simply shakes her head.

"No. I'm fine." she reassured, "I was just thinking."

You tilt your head and lean forward to get a glimpse of her face. "Oh—?"

"What were you thinkin' bout?"

She swallowed again, and couldn't seem to keep eye contact. "You." Sae-byeok muttered.

"Me?" you ask. You two were together, sitting on the rooftop under the stars. Why wouldn't she be thinking of you?—Weren't you right beside her?

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