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It was the start of lunch time and everyone was eating.

[name], Sae-byeok, Ji yeong, and some of their friends were sitting together.

You were the closest next to Sae-byeok, while everyone else was a bit away, paying attention to Ji yeong loudly blabbing about something.

Todays lunch was fries and nuggets (or vegan options maybe, but fries will be a big part of this),

Your favorite of course.

Unfortunately for you, you has finished all your fries, so you searched the table of friends to see who you could steal from.

Fortunately and unfortunately, the only person with some was your girlfriend, Sae-byeok.

You considered just starving at that point, because you'd surely lose a finger if you asked.

You did really want the fries though, so you did the unthinkable, you snatched one before she had a chance to react.

She slowly turned her head to you, staring you down with her unblinking eyes.

"What do you think your doing?"

You chuckle nervously and hold up the fry. "Im starving and you've barely touched them, its not a problem is it?"

She stares at you. "You are not starving, I watched you scarf your food like a dog just a second ago. If you want to keep your hand, you will give it back."

You just about gave up, then had an idea, you put the fry sticking out of your mouth. "Then come get it." You say with a smirk. Sae-byeok stares in almost disbelief.

She attempts to grab it but you pull away. "Not with your hands, your mouth." You wiggle your eyebrows.

She sighs "I'm not going to play this childish game."

You shrug, "Maybe I'll take more of them, since I got this one soo easily."

Sae-byeok scoffs. "You will do no such thing."

"I don't knoww, maybe if you play the game, I wont."

She furrows her eyebrows, and frowns. Then to your surprise she leans in, attempting to grab the fry with her mouth.

You pull the fry Into your mouth a little and she scowls.

You chuckle. "Whoops try again!" She rolls her eyes, "This is foolish."

Despite her words she trys again.

Except this time while shes trying to get, you suck it into your mouth, which makes Sae-byeok accidentally kiss you.

You feel her stiff up, then lean into the kiss, feeling her soft lips, you kiss back.

She pulls away after a moment and you furrow your eyebrows. "Wait did you-"

She opens her mouth, and between her teeth is the fry, the corners of her mouth barely quirk up. "I win."

You blush, and nervously chuckle, "Oh, damn."

She eats the fry, then slides her plate between the both of you, looking away with a bored expression.

"The consolation prize, as if you deserve it."

You gasp, "YESSS. I love you!" You start chowing down, missing the blush and curious smile Sae-byeok is aiming at you.

She wonders when you will realize, thats the first time you said you love her. And all because of some fries.

How curious

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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