1 - ○ Shades of gray ○

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" I just want to be happy.
Not confused, not hurt, not stressed,
just happy "

Her russet brown eyes held a view of the entire classroom filled with busy students. She stood up from her chair, made way to the front bench and stated, "So the portions for your semester exam will be from stellar formation to general relativity .If you have any doubts, clarify it in the next class." With that, she made her way to the staff room. She took her handbag and came out of the university.

The orange-gold sky stretched far and wide which originated from infinity, with patches of clouds scattered throughout like love bites. The sunset glowed with a blush of a rose petal.

Even though there was a flaming scenery in front of her, she overlooked it and let out a sigh of despair thinking about her family.

A basic nuclear family with a father nearing his retirement age, the mother being a housewife and sister pursuing their education. She felt content but still has unrequited wishes in her heart.

She reached home with an exhausted face and found her mom cooking dinner while her dad was helping her. She took a bath and went to the dining table. Soon her sister joined and they started to eat while watching cricket on the TV.

Meera's pov:

"What do you think about the photo of Vijay I showed you today?" mom asked me.

"He is 10 years older than me amma, I can't marry him." I told her.

"So, your father is older than me by 7 years, aren't we happy?" she protested.

"I can't explain certain things to you amma, try to understand me."

" We are here to find a good life for you but it seems like you don't care about it" , mom said.

" Amma please, you are spoiling the mood, atleast let her to eat food properly. You are literally dragging this topic at all instances. Don't rush her wedding just because all of our cousins got married and had children.", supported my sister.

When my mom was about to say something, dad interrupted her and said "Take your own time and think about it ma, I'm not forcing you, Bhuvana let Meera take her own decision." Dad's statement gave me a tint of relief.

With that I went to my room, finished some college work and laid on my bed, random thoughts started to flood in. I still can't frame a concrete decision about my life. I don't need prince charming to be my husband, a normal person is enough and at the same time, I don't want to get married, the reason is I'm not feeling the need.

"Shall I enter into a live-in relationship?", I asked myself.

"Someone should love you in the first place, you dummy"
mocked my inner self.

Throughout my life, I've not done anything which have satisfied my parents. I'm a physics professor with a good pay scale yet they're not fulfilled. Currently, the only thing they want me to do is to get married as my dad's retirement age is nearing. But the question is - do I really need to get married?


Author's pov:

A pair of cocoa eyes were greeted by the tremendous emerald skyscraper which stood still filled with pride. He brushed his jet-black hair as he entered through the giant sliding door that lead to a huge hallway.
He looked at the blonde receptionist and said "I have a meeting scheduled to meet Mr. Ploy by 11 a.m".

"Then you must be Mr. Arjun Niro Joel. Am I correct?." He slightly smirked at her response and nodded. " Please follow me, sir", replied blondie.

When he entered the brightly lit chiffon colored room filled with beautiful architectural patterns, he saw a couple of familiar faces amidst numerous unknown faces.

Arjun's pov:

This meeting is of utmost importance, I should make sure that they would form a deal with us. Mr. Ploy has a great deal of famous resorts in Thailand and if we form a partnership, it would help us to establish our resort in Thailand and his in India.
After hours of hectic meeting, finally the deal was made which brought happiness and satisfaction.

" You won't regret working with us, Mr. Ploy" claimed Kathir.
With that we made our way out of the building with a tinge of pride in our eyes. Meanwhile Fawad asked for a party for the success of our deal, I smiled sheepishly and drove to our luxury hotel in which we were staying.

Kathir and Fawad were my college friends. We started our own resort, éblouir when we were 24. We managed to gain profits after facing many failures and hardships. We have our branches in India, Singapore, Malaysia and now in Thailand.

At this moment, I wish to hold her in my arms and share my happiness with her. My love for her is brimming in my heart and I just can't wait to show the world I made for her.

But the thing is, will she love me?

Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. Pls do vote and comment your thoughts so that I can improve my writing if there are any flaws.
Good day.

Do check out my new story, BEFORE IT RAINS.

'An instant feeling of euphoria made me float in thin air while my body sparkled with numerous fireworks

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'An instant feeling of euphoria made me float in thin air while my body sparkled with numerous fireworks. His charcoal eyes met mine as they sought silent consent. Battling between my feelings and conscience, I finally gave up before his endless desire and love for me'
Embark on the journey of Shyama Das, a student nearing her graduation, and Jerone, a well-known cricketer based on a web of love, passion, intimacy, lies, and betrayal.

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