12 - ○ Endearing beige ○

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" I was a raging fire,
I'm still radiating heat even after the
fire is put out.
You spread over me like the sheet of

Time will turn into an enemy and
moments will become eons.
You came closer and then just

I'm breathless, I'm swimming in your
women, come & kiss me."


The bright crimson-gold rays of the shining sun waiting for its departure from the world for the day made Meera take a glance at her old Titan watch, only to realize that it was already half past four.

She placed the blunt chalk piece on the wooden table, moved to the edge of it, and said, "Okay guys, let's call it a day. In our next meeting, we will briefly discuss the five-stroke engine, so don't be absent. The class is dismissed". Soon the rustling of students making their way out of the classroom was heard.

Meera packed her bag and paused for a second, sensing a notification on her phone. After picking up the text, she read, "Swan feather restaurant at 7 pm. Will be waiting for you." Her cheeks shone crimson as she read that text. After composing herself, she walked out of the room, soon reached the college entrance, and took a bus.

With earphones plugged in, the enchanting music of Arjith Singh's "Tum hi ho" started to flood her nerves with dopamine as she started to embrace the warmth of the balmy evening air.

Recent events in her life prompted her to think about them. She had never expected Arjun to feel the same way about her as she felt about him even though she was initially reluctant about it. His promising words and crystalline hazel eyes, which she would die for, held so much truth and love that she decided to accept his dating proposal.

After all, she also has to spend some time thinking about her love life. It's been a week since they started dating and Arjun never fails to make Meera feel so special. Even today, she has a date with him at a restaurant that keeps her excited

She got off the bus and began walking towards the pale yellow house's rusted steel gate. It never ceases to make screeching noises at every turn. The angel wing jasmine climbers that hugged the front pillar, and an old 2010 scooter parked amidst contrasting indoor plants were some of the features that characterized the entrance.

She entered the house, took her handbag and lazily placed it on the teapoy. After letting out a tired groan, she saw her mother approaching with a glass of hot chai.

"Ahh thanks, mom", Meera extended her arm to grab the cup while her mother slightly slapped her hand.

"Ouch, it hurts"

"This is for me. Get up and get freshened up, I'll prepare a fresh one for you"

"Fine", she grumpily made her way towards the bathroom while her mother smiled at her childishness.

                          ♣️ ♣️ ♣️

On the other hand, owner of the 'hazel eyes' was busy signing the contract papers with their newly found partner, 'black and white', a Singapore based tiles company.

"Ask Mr. Kathir to sign the rest of the papers", he instructed his secretary.

"Done arranging for tomorrow's board meeting?", he continued.

"Yes sir, almost done. Just setting up of tables is left"

"Fine, then I'll leave. See you tomorrow", he politely smiled at her and left the brightly lit room.

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