23 - ○ Repenting lilac ○

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"Birth is the seed love is the fruit,
The world is dual, but love is non-dual,
everything is zero but love is infinite.

Humanity is an illusion while love is eternal,
In this world, love is only one,
The bodies keep changing and go on far away journeys"
                      ~ Vairamuthu

Author pov:

Arjun's shirt was stained with drops of ruby red. His hands were covered with his lover's blood, his ammu's, his Meera's blood. She was suffering for the dirty and malevolent sins that he has committed to others, that was his first thought when he held Meera's unconscious body.

It's been two hours since the accident. He himself admitted both the women in the hospital. All members of their family, Kathir also accompanied him.

The doctor claimed that Laya need an immediate C-section or else both the baby and the mother would face a serious problem. And there was Fawad who was wailing while being sat on the hospital steel seat.

The nurse came out of the Intensive Care Unit carrying a beautiful girl baby in her hands. Fawad, who couldn't contain his tears out of sheer happiness and softly held his baby girl in his hands.

Her tiny fingers held her father's comparatively huge finger which moved all others to euphoric tears.

Meera's mother moved near the nurse and asked her, "How's the other patient, my daughter Meera?"

"Doctor will inform you about that. As far as concerned Mrs. Laya is out of danger. But she needs to me in the hospital for a couple of weeks"

All were clueless about what to do- whether to enjoy about Fawad and Laya's baby or to feel sorry about Meera's condition.

The hospital corridor was busy while the anxious family members and friends were waiting for the doctor to confirm Meera's condition. The silence of the environment was broken by a middle aged man in his white coat opening the glass door of ICU.

The doctor approached the family and asked for her parents. Arjun too stood beside him and was concerned about her results.

"I'm sorry to inform you that Meera has fell into coma", this earned the cries of her parents and others.

"Are you her husband?", the doctor asked Arjun.

"No, fiancé"

"Come with me", Arjun accompanied the doctor to Meera's ward in the ICU.

There she was, her face partly covered with the oxygen tube, a beeping  electrocardiogram measuring the rhythm of heart beats, oximeter measuring her pulse rate and numerous tubes supporting her life.

"She suffered a miscarriage", the doctor said a shocking information to Arjun.

"WHAT?", he panicked.

"Yes, four weeks. I guess she didn't know about her pregnancy because some don't experience symptoms till their fifth week or so.
I happened to notice that she wasn't married, that's why I called you and told this privately. I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Arjun"

"No no this can't happen. Doctor please save my Meera and my baby. Please doctor do something", he shouted by clutching the doctor's collar.

"Are you nuts? It's done. We will definitely try our best to save Ms. Meera but the foetus was already dead even before you admitted her"

"Doctor please... do you want cash? I will pay any amount of money. Please..", he hugged doctor's legs and wailed.

"I can understand you Mr.Arjun. In this situation, you should be the one who should be strong to console others", the man adviced Arjun and departed from that place.

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