18 - ○Plum lines○

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"Even before you touched me,
I belonged to you;
all you had to do was look at me"
~ Louise Glück

The crumbled white sheets that was once desolate, is now full of life after it witnessed the endless night of passion, love and desire exchanged in the unthinkable ways.

Above that, their souls and bodies mingled together. Who are they?

He has the majestic glory of the burning afternoon sun.
She's as refreshing as the fresh breeze at the crack of dawn.

She is the mystic dream that never leaves the corner of eyes.
He can turn your life into a nightmare without getting his hands dirty.

Names carved in each other's hearts,
Arjun and Meera.

He woke up from his deep slumber when mild rays of sunlight hit his face. Beside him, Meera was still in her sleep, unable to relieve from tiredness.

Her tangled coal black hair spread across the pillow, smudged kohl, tinted lips, her olive tone, her scars, his love marks and her body, a poetry that mesmerizes one with her beautiful flaws.

He looked at her with a whirl of unknown happiness inside his heart. He kissed her forehead, his bare hands gliding over her skin.

"Good morning", said Meera while getting up from the bed.
"Morning", his hoarse voice earned a smile from her as she walked towards the balcony with a white bedsheet wrapped around her body.

It was quarter past six in the morning, sun barely peeked out in the bluish sky, emanating golden yellow beam that spread far across the boundaries.

Arjun hugged Meera from behind, got a good grip of her and smoothly kissed her nape. His face radiated heartfelt relief and content.

"Do you love me?" Meera asked him while staring at the breathtaking scenery in front of them.

Her sudden question made him scrunch his eyebrows but with a smile he replied, "I do"

"Do you love me or you love making love with me?" she turned towards him and placed her hands around him.

"You mean sex?" he asked her amusingly.

She nodded her head as a reply.
"I love having sex with you but more than that, a little more, maybe just a little more I love you" his playful reply surprised Meera who slightly hit his arm while he laughed and ran.

"Little bit huh?" she ran behind him.

The whole room was filled with laughs and giggles. Arjun grabbed and pulled Meera to his side while she was wiggling to get off his grip.

He passionately kissed her lips with much love and brimming desire. Her fingers grazed and held locks of his hair, his hands exploring her curves.

"Arj.. Arjun" she tried to speak by catching her breath in-between their heated kissing session. But he was in no mood no listen but was willing to show his feelings through actions.

"Was yesterday's not enough?" she asked him while planting wet smooches on his chest and collar bone.

"I will not get enough of you even if it takes a lifetime" he hurriedly took off the bedsheet from her.

Soon, both in their naked glory, proceeded towards the lake. With greenery around, two bodies of olive and dusky skin tones, spiral their minds, hearts and bodies together.

His lips playing with her moist bosoms  his hands down there, her hands on his length. Their mutual pleasure exceeded great heights, far beyond to explain. There was nothing else to think at that moment except to ponder ways on how to pour out their love for each other.

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