8 - ○ Sapphire tinge ○

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"It was not into my ears you wispered,
but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed,
but my soul"
~ Judy Garland

Author pov:

"The number you are calling is currently switched off or not reachable at the moment. Please try again later", it was the 9th time that Meera tried calling Vignesh.
"Why he's not picking up my call?", she mumbled. It's been several weeks till he contacted her and there was no answer for her calls too.
Maybe, he didn't like me, she thought while arranging her notes for today's class.
She slightly adjusted her neatly pleated salmon saree, tucked some of her velvety black hair strands behind her ear and checked herself in her phone. While proceeding to the class, she was called by the principal. She turned and walked towards the steel grey room which was brightly lit and fully air-conditioned like the other rooms. The printer, computer, huge piles of college records and files, green plants at the corner decorated the room very well. She was greeted by an old lady, Mrs. Vijaya Basu. With grey hairs popping up randomly, cat eye spectacles, pale lips and wrinkles near her eyes could clearly indicate her late 60s. "Take your seat, Ms.Meera", spoke the woman and continued as Meera sat on the wooden chair in front of her.

"So Ms.Meera, how are the classes going on for you?", asked Vijaya.

"It's good, ma'am. Syllabus coverage is fast and students are very much interactive. As of now, I don't have any problems"

"Hmm alright. The reason I called you here is to discuss about the upcoming cultural event of our college", stated the older woman.

"OK ma'am, is there any problem regarding that?", questioned Meera.

"Not a problem though but our actual chief guest, Dr. Fiza Ahmed has got a sudden personal work on the day of our cultural event. There's no other way than to change the chief guest. So, the committee members has decided to invite the co-ceo of éblouir as the guest"

Éblouir. Sounds familiar. Oh wait, Laya's fiancé's resort chain, thought Meera.

"OK ma'am. So, should I redo the arrangements replacing the name?"

"Yeah. Change it to Arjun Niro Joel, co-ceo of éblouir. I need you to be careful with the preparations because he is one of the newly joined board members of our university. Make the necessary actions as soon as possible", claimed Vijaya.

Meera unknowingly blushed a little upon hearing Arjun's name. At that moment, she forgot about Vignesh and was keenly focused on Arjun's arrival.

Oh my God, there's just one week for the cultural event. I should start the preparations from now on, thought Meera.

"And Meera, I want you to confirm about his appointments on that day with his personal assistant. Thank you.", spoke the latter.

Meera nodded her head and left the room with a huge load of work on her shoulder. It's going to be a hell of a week.

The next day, Arjun was attending a conference with his two co-ceo and the senior manager of Evershine companies who was explaining about the project. His monotonous tapping of Parker classic gold at the glass top of the wood brown table indicated his absent mindedness while his thoughts were deeply immersed in the upcoming cultural event by the college where Meera is working.

His thinking was suddenly disturbed by the intervention of a croaky voice, "Mr. Arjun... Mr. Arjun...".

"Yes, Mr. Rishabh", he replied while partially returning from his thoughts.

"So, this is the basic plot of our upcoming resort construction. I'll send the outlet design of the building to your PA"

"Yeah.. yes sir, we'll review it and will send our suggestions once we're fine with it", spoke Arjun in his usual baritone.

"Okay sir, sure"

Again back to zoning out, Arjun began to think about the instance where he seemingly begged Kathir into leaving the chief guest opportunity to him. Initially, both Fawad and himself had a lot of appointments and conferences on that day, Kathir was the only person who was free for a couple of hours to attend the event. After coming to know about the event, Arjun canceled all the meetings and made himself free.

Joining as a new board member of the college, lying to Kathir to get the chance of attending the cultural event as chief guest, woahhh. Am I making it so obvious to Meera?

"Hey Arjun... Arjun", called Fawad while shaking his shoulder vigorously.

"Come out of your dreamland, man.
Seriously, what happened to you?"

"Nothing Fawad, just zoned out a bit", Arjun replied while letting out a sheepish smile.

"Nah man, something is wrong with you", the latter said jokingly while swinging his arm around Arjun's broad shoulder.
"Is it some woman?"

"Hahaha no way, why would I think about a woman?", said Arjun while uneasily loosing his tie.

"If a man is occupied by thoughts, it would be only because of three things- money or family or love. From my guess, you don't have any problems with the first two things but with the third one...."

"Yeah, I do sometimes assume that. Is my assumption correct Mr. Arjunnn", interrupted Kathir and teased him with his usual comical way of stretching the name along a extremely shrill voice.

"If I find someone, you guys would be the first few people to know that", spoke Arjun as they came out of their laughter ride.

"You should", uttered Fawad with a smile as the trio headed into a metallic lift infront of them which ascended to the ground floor with a ting sound.

By 3 in the afternoon, Arjun's phone started to vibrate while filling the coral colored room with the reflection ringtone. The screen read, Amma. Supporting the phone between his shoulder and his ear with a tilted face, he said "Hello, Amma".

"Yeah Arjun, are you busy? Do you remember that today...." spoke the lady on the other end with her shrill yet dominant voice.

"I do remember it mom. Lunch at Suresh uncle's house at Thiruvamyur. I know it's kinda late but you guys get going, I'll join you in an hour"

"What, an hour?", shouted Celine, Arjun's mother.

"Okay, okay 40 minutes", chuckled Arjun while balancing pen in his right hand and typing keyboard characters with his left.

"Alright. Me, your dad and Mahesh are getting ready. I guess, we'll be there in 20 minutes. The climate is gloomy too. Try to finish your work and be there soon.",

"Very well ma. Will see you there. Bye"

"Yes. Be careful. Bye", replied the latter and cut the call.

After few minutes, Arjun rushed towards his car mumbling, I'm getting late. Fuck. He sped fast through huzzle and buzzle of Chennai and reached his house.
The October weather had attracted random drizzles and sometimes heavy pours too. Crystalline drops of water made its way from the ash gray sky to the dry ground. The aimless trickles soon changed into downpour. He walked past all the greenery and reached the main door to find it locked. With his emergency key, he opened the huge teakwood door and stepped inside. Within a few minutes of taking shower and wearing a casual gleaming peach shirt with grey pants, he was struggling to tie his casio rose gold watch around his wrist when he heard the chiming of the door bell.

God, who the heck is that?, he thought as he went downstairs to open the door to reveal a fully drenched Meera.
With her pale sapphire blue saree sticking to her body like a second layer of skin, rain water dripping from her raven black hairstrands, a semi-old coal handbag hung on her left shoulder and both her hands clinging the bag tightly, she let out a nervous yet shy smile.

Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. Pls do vote and comment your thoughts so that I can improve my writing if there are any flaws.
Good day.

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