13 - ○ Damask waves ○

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"I want to be naked with you.

No, keep your clothes on.

I want our bare souls

sprawled and tangled

in each other"

~ Onur Taşkiran

Author pov:

"7 times, I called you seven times. So, it seems like this is your important work", Fawad joked a bit earning a laugh from Laya and awkward smiles from the other two.

"How long?", asked Laya as she moved near Meera.

"A month"

"A MONTH?", exclaimed Fawad and Laya.

"So, this is the reason for your frequent excuses to escape budget meetings", asked Fawad while Arjun let out a sheepish smile.

They four had their dinner together. As they were about to leave the restaurant, Laya asked Meera,"Why don't you join me. I'm going the same direction as yours"

Laya signaled Meera to come with her, so that they can have a private chat while returning home.
"Yeah, why not", replied Meera.

"Meera will come with me", Arjun made a stern remark while he pulled Meera by his side.

"We've got to pick a couple of things, right Meera?", Arjun glanced at Meera expecting her to stand by his side.

"Yo chill man, they can leave. We have some things to talk, Kathir is joining us too", said Fawad.

"Okay guys, drive safe", Arjun faced the girls as the four proceeded to walk out of the restaurant.

Meera was waiting for Laya to get the car from the parking lot. Suddenly, a pair of arms embraced her from behind.

She very well knew about that person from his very woody scent and his touch.

"Arjun, let me go, someone might see us", Meera turned around within his grip and faced him.

Arjun chose not to respond to her while  he came even more closer to Meera, thus eliminating the distance in between them.

Her parted coral lips, her mesmerizing gaze which never fails to attract him, infact, his most favorite thing about her. When she entered the restaurant, she had effortlessly managed to captivate him, just like a siren alluring pirate preys.

At that moment, Meera's mind completely drew a blank over her boundaries. She leaned to kiss his cheeks, but just as she was about to do that, a car honked at them.

"Don't be hasty guys", Laya laughed sitting inside the car.

Meera smiled and turned around to head towards the car. Her breath hitched for a second when he pulled her again and whispered, "Will call you tonight"

He walked with her to the car where Laya was busy talking with Fawad.

"Yeah, finally the love birds decided to go home", she teased earning a laugh from the other side of the call.

Meera sat beside the driver's seat. Arjun leaned on the window near her and said, "Drive safe Laya"

"Yeah sure", she replied

"Reach home safe Laya", he repeated once again.

"Yeah yeah"

"Be careful", he said.

"Why are yo_", Laya turned beside, only to realize all his comments was for the person sitting beside her. Arjun looked into Meera's eyes with a tint of naughtiness while she was trying so hard to control her smile.

"You can continue your romance tomorrow. But for now, this pregnant lady needs to go home. Bye and Mr. Arjun, she will be definitely safe with me"

"By the way, thank you so much for your concern on me", Laya teased him while he let out a grin.


"Let me drive", said Meera to Laya.

"Not a problem. Stay with me for the night, I can convince your mother", replied Laya as she was taking a left turn.

"But what about Fawad?"

"I'm staying at my parent's home, so it'll not be a problem"

After a while, Meera was discussing about the baby's health with Laya, meanwhile the latter got to know about Meera's love life.

"And that's how he asked for a date", Meera was so hyped while talking about him.

"So, how's Arjun?", questioned Laya.

"What's with the question, you saw him just a while ago?"

"Nah, I mean how is he behaving  with my best friend?", asked Laya expecting an answer from Meera.

"He's good, respects me, understands me. You know what, he kinda knows everything about me, all my favorites and stuff"

"He actually said that we'd be meeting his parents soon", replied Meera.

Confusion prevailed Laya's mind. She wondered that how a person can get to know about the other within a month, who knows the utmost details about her. Moreover, Arjun hasn't met Meera before. So, it's kinda weird.

"What are you saying? Meeting his parents?", Laya asked to Meera who could sense the tension in the atmosphere.

"Why, what's the matter?", asked Meera in a disturbed tone.

"It's nothing. I just want to say that don't jump into conclusions already. You barely know him and meeting his parents just after a month is odd", she continued.

"Take your time and get to know about him. I'm not saying that he's a bad guy but you should know whether you really love him or not"

"It's just a month. You two can understand each other and if things are not going well, you both can call off your relationship. I guess it won't complicate things"

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I just want my best friend to get the best man in this world", said Laya which sparked numerous reasonable questions in Meera's mind.


"Don't you feel like the things are moving a little too fast for you guys?", Laya's question rang a bell in Meera's head as she laid on the bed.

She never gave a thought about it. Things were definitely moving faster for them than a normal couple. It's just been a month and she can't decide anything.

She has always found it weird when he already had her favorites, her likes and dislikes in fingertips when she herself didn't discuss about those to him.

It's just a coincidence. Maybe, I should get to know more about him.

But, she was sure about one thing. She was clear not to hasten the things between her and Arjun.

What would happen if things didn't workout between us? Maybe, as Laya said, we can break up the relationship.

Soon, she drifted to slumber leaving her phone on the bedside table. Her phone vibrated to reveal an incoming call from Arjun on in.


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