3 - ○ Hues of ruby red ○

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"I will lay my heart
Between your rib cage,
Before I lay my hands
between your thighs.
Let our souls lie naked together
Before our bodies ever touch"
~ Onur Taşkiran

Author pov:
A day passed by and the issue between Arjun and his father was sorted out. After that, he was always reminded of Meera. The urge to see her, hug her and kiss her luscious pink lips escalated progressively. He often tried to draw a blank on her thoughts but failed to do so.
After some days and nights, it was the graduation function of Mahesh. Arjun was so excited to witness his brother getting graduated from a top university. He wore gray blazer over a jet black turtleneck with gray pants. He quickly spread his minty fragrance as he descended down the stairs while softly brushing his charcoal hair strands.

Arjun pov:

I went to the university with my parents, met my brother and congratulated him. It's been so long since I talked with my brother properly.
So, I searched him while my parents were talking with his professors.
As I was walking along the corridor, I found Mahesh passionately kissing a girl. My eyes popped out and I began to process what was happening in front of me.

My brother, whom I saw as a little boy has grown up enough to kiss a girl. I can't accept the reality.

Their faces became pale when I cleared my throat. They stopped their activity and walked nervously towards me.

"Arjun, I can explain" said Mahesh with a tint of fear in his face.
"No need to explain anything. I already saw what you both were doing. " I replied in a stern tone while controlling my laughter.
" Anna, she's my girlfriend Kayal , we've been in a relationship for 3 years. Please don't say this to Appa and Amma. " said Mahesh pointing at the girl in her early twenties standing pensively beside him.
"OK, I'm not going to say this but when are you guys going to convey this to your parents" I asked them.
"Once you get married" he replied.
This very statement of Mahesh made me to contemplate my life decisions. Is it too late to admit my feelings to Meera? Will she accept me?, thoughts started to flow in which dreaded me. But whatever the situation is, Meera should accept me because she is mine and there is no other go.
After that, I took my car and went on a long ride. It was a habit of mine to take long rides when I'm disoriented. The conversation made me think deeper about my life for many hours. I drove my car along the ECR side of Chennai and stopped in front of a cafe.
The sun unfurled its bleaming rustic rays with a tint of carnelian red. A slight breeze rustling the leaves lifted the atmosphere and gave calming vibes to the café.

 A slight breeze rustling the leaves lifted the atmosphere and gave calming vibes to the café

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( picture from pinterest)

It was 5:45pm, I gave my order and began to enjoy the interior of the café while taking notes about it in my mind. Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure far from me.

It's her, my darling, my love,my Meera.

I was in pure ecstasy, meeting my chellakutty (I.e. darling) after many days and moreover it was a coincidence. Her eyes, lips and a small birthmark on her right side of face will always make me fall in love with her again and again.
The way she licks baby pink lips gave me a flush of hormones like a teenager, the flicking of her eye lids covering chestnut orbs, fixing her raven black hair, all were exquisite.

After sometime, I saw a man in his twenties, would've been around 5'9, entering the café. He made walked towards Meera's table and sat in front of her. I couldn't properly hear about their conversation but it seemed like an arranged date.
I realized that Meera's family was looking for an alliance for her.
I parked my car in the garage and went towards the main hall feeling enraged. I saw my parents and Mahesh, their faces expressed a shade of relief when they saw me.
" Arjun, where did you go? We were so worried about you da. " asked Amma.
" You didn't even bother to inform about your whereabouts " said Appa.
" It was an important meeting ma, I had to attend it. I too was informed about it in the last minute. I can't attend it in the university, that's why I went to the resort. " I replied.
" And Appa, I thought about the thing you asked before. I'm ok with getting married. " with that I made my way to my room leaving all the three speechless.
While I was exercising with a punching bag, images of Meera talking to a guy started to dash. The way she smiled and laughed which were meant only for me angered me. I punched the bag harder and harder until my hands started to pain.
This infuriating pain is nothing compared to the love and passion that I have on her. This pain just increases the intensity of my burning desire for her, to have her, to love her until my death and afterlife.

I'm coming for u Meera.


Heyy guys, hope you liked this chapter. Pls do vote and comment your thoughts so that I can improve my writing if there are any flaws.
Good day.

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