Chapter 2: Helping an Unknown Army

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I do not own the Gate, Call Of Duty, and Zombie Army series and are owned by their respective companies.

Third POV
As the battle between the Saderan Army and the Undead Reich continued, the French soldier managed to gather a small American armor division that consisted of 2 M4 Sherman, 1 Jeep with a mounted M1919 browning, and 20 American soldiers within the division.

He then instructed this small American armor division to head to the east side of the city where his superior is and told them to be ready for a fight.

French Military Leader POV
The battle between the Undead Reich and this unknown Roman-like army is starting to look like a massacre with how many of their men are losing to the hordes.

I was considering thinking that we may not be able to save those men until I heard a shout coming from behind me and saw that my soldier brought back reinforcements.

"Sir, I brought a small American armor division!" said the soldier, until he gazed over the battlefield and saw the large horde of the undead and questioned his superior. "Do you think this would be enough to stop the undead hordes?"

"It is more than enough to take down those rotten nazi bastards!" I said with confidence.

Sure it may be a small American armored division but it's still packed enough punch to force the undead hordes to retreat to the eastern side of the city or just kill them all before they start running away.

I begin to instruct the small American armor division to take an offensive approach to the situation and help any men that are wounded or injured when they begin their assault against the undead hordes of the Reich.

American Leader POV
" all right men let's takedown these rotten nazi bastards and send them back to where they came from!" I said with determination to give some motivation to my armor division's at which I received a bunch of hell yeah.

Saderan General POV
these undead abominations are consuming or killing my men from my left and right side that only five men around me are trying to take a defensive measure against the undead.

While using their spears to stab the undead in their weak points to bring them down, however, we're losing our ground. I think we do not have much time before we are amongst the dead surrounding this barren wasteland of a world.

However, those thoughts were blocked off by a loud sound. Before my man and I try to register what was occurring we saw a group of strange men wearing weird clothing near what look like metal beasts and a carriage behind them coming in our direction.

What caught my eye about these strange men was that they were capable of killing these Abominations with what looked like strange staffs that they are carrying and I also saw that their metal beasts and carriage had the same strange staffs in a larger size.

They stopped in front of us and try to speak to us however I could not understand what language they were using so I tried using our language.

American Soldier POV
"Hey, are you men all right?" Said the soldier, but was meant with confused faces until a man that looks to be their leader stepped forth and said something to the soldier.

However, he couldn't understand what he was saying since it sounded too foreign to him. 'Well, shit! They don't speak English.' The soldier thought to himself.

Undead SS Officer POV
"Nein! The stupid Americans are killing my troops!" I said with concern.

I must gather my remaining troops and escape through the strange structure that these primitive fools have come through.

Maybe the place where they come from could contain artifacts that could be used for the Führer plan of conquering the world.

'Oh, the possibilities are endless!' I said to myself as I began to order the remaining undead under my command to retreat into the strange structure that these savages came through.

American Leader POV
My forces were starting to clear out the hordes of undead that surrounded these weird men who look like Roman troops from a bygone age until I started to notice a few of the undead started to escape to the entrance of the strange structure.

I tried to tell my men to start focusing their fire on the escaping hordes of the undead, but it seems that fate was against me, and the entrance to the strange structure sealed itself. I cursed to myself that we didn't stop them, but can't focus on that right now.

I have to bring these Roman-like men back to base to let our intelligence group figure out who they are and what their purpose of coming here through the strange structure was for.

'Oh yeah, almost forgot I need to tell them that these men don't speak a lick of English' I reminded myself.

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