Bonus Chapter: A Castle At The Top Of The Snowy Mountain

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This bonus chapter focuses on who the Wehrmacht Remnants are and how they got to Der Eisendrache during the beginning events of when the Undead Reich began to grow within Europe.

I do not own the Gate, Call Of Duty, and Zombie Army series and are owned by their respective companies.

Location: Salzburg, Austria (within the Undead Reich territory)

Place: Der Eisendrache (Fortified and hidden)

Month: January

Year: 1946

"Have you been able to get in contact with the Allies yet, Heinrich?" Dr. Maxis asked the Wehrmacht radio operator named Heinrich as he listened in to frequencies being broadcast within and outside the region.

"No, Dr. Maxis. The frequencies that we are receiving are still static as of right now, but I am still trying my best to find their frequency. I will inform you if I discover anything resembling a frequency that the Allies are using."

Heinrich said in an honest manner as Dr. Maxis looked disappointed, but reassured that Heinrich would inform him if he discovered anything as he spoke.

"Well, continue to work on that. The Allies must have a frequency they are using to communicate to each other in these difficult times."

"Understood, Dr. Maxis." Heinrich said in a professional manner as he returned to his radio and continued to listen in as Dr. Maxis walked away from the communication section of the castle.

'It has been a whole year since the Undead Reich's rise in Europe and destruction of the Der Riese Research facility.' Dr. Maxis thought to himself over what had transpired over this past year.

Flashback Of Before.........

It was all normal in the beginning year of 1945. When Dr. Maxis was at the Der Riese facility doing research on improving the human condition and creating weapons for the Third Reich with the lesser being done to just get funding for the organization.

Dr. Maxis now viewed that decision to be one of the most idiotic decisions he has ever made to ensure that Group 935 will remain stable. If he was going to be honest with himself, Richtofen was right about the decision.

Richtofen told him that making a deal with the Third Reich was a stupid idea and gave him other options to seek funding for the organization, but he was too stubborn, and ignored his options.

Dr. Maxis had later apologized to Richtofen over his actions on that day, who accepted his apology, but wanted more of his projects to be produced, which he allowed.

However, the deal with the Third Reich did give his scientists access to the occult items that Reich's occult division had discovered on their quest of using occult items to win the war.

Dr. Maxis was always skeptical over the occult aspect that the Third Reich was conducting, but if he was going to be honest with himself it was quite interesting for him to learn that supernatural did exist within their world when the Reich's occult division discovered the Hellmouth.

The Hellmouth discovery was actually quite terrifying and yet interesting for him.

The information for it was very small, but when scientists within the occult division gave them research documents detailing what the Hellmouth was, it was quite interesting for him.

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