Chapter 7: Meeting The JSDF At The City Of Italica

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I do not own the Gate, Call Of Duty, and Zombie Army series and are owned by their respective companies.
Third POV
After the recon team left New Liberty Hill and started heading east to the city of Italica, not much had happened during their travel across the flat desert-like landscape of the central region of Falmart.

However, they begin to notice, while reaching a far distance away from their destination. What looked like a battle of some sort occurred in an area within the region they were in.

When they investigated the site, they discovered charred markings and unknown remains of what seemed to be ammunition from unknown weapons that appeared to have been used recently, according to Tank and Nikolai's investigation.

Tank Dempsey POV
"So, Nikolai, what do you believe happened here?" "I questioned Nikolai.

"It would seem like a small battle was taken place here based on the remains of ammunition and burned marks that seem like came from unknown firearms. However, what they were fighting is something I do not know." Nikolai said in a claiming manner.

"Well, it appears that someone with similar firepower to us is present in this world as well, but we can't be certain, can we?" I told Nikolai in a serious tone.

"дa, we know they have vehicles based on the traces they left behind, but they appear to be escorting several individuals with them." While checking around the battleground, Nikolai spotted the track markings of a vehicle.

'Great, now there's a group of people with similar firepower to us, but they also have vehicles. This is going to cause problems.' In a concerned manner, I thought to myself.

Takeo Masaki then approached us and stated. "They may have identical weapons and vehicles as us, but I had the impression that they were simply defending the individuals they were escorting away from the danger that existed here."

I looked at Takeo, puzzled, and said. "Do you have a sixth sense or something, Takeo?"

"It is how I perceive things from my perspective."I began to notice Takeo's hand touch the burned ground and said.

"When I was on the battlefield in the Pacific islands, I could feel the dread, fear, anger, and the spirits calling for the men around me to fight to the death in the name of the emperor and my nation." Then I observed Takeo let go of the burned ground and looked around his surroundings and say.

"However, rather than concentrating on the bad repercussions that exist on the battlefield. I would close my eyes and concentrate on why I was fighting on the battlefield." He gazed up at the sky and said.

"The reasoning behind why I was fighting on the battlefield was to honor my family's legacy, nation's pride, and the Emperor, but my belief of bringing peace to our world and returning to my family as a samurai with great honor." After saying that I saw Takeo face away from the sky to the landscape and said.

"Once I opened my eyes, I would fight not in anger, fear, or dread, but with the hope of returning to my family on the mainland and staying honorable as a samurai until the end." Then he gave me a serious look and stated.

"That is why I feel and understand that individuals here who share certain similarities with us were protecting the people they were escorting and fighting what attacked them in the most honorable way imaginable, and I believe they have a noble heart."

I just looked at Takeo, surprised and confused by his explanation of his point of view, and replied. "Holy shit, Takeo, that has to be one of the most serious and complicated explanations I have ever heard in my life if I'm being honest here."

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