Chapter 6: Journey To The City Of Italica

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I do not own the Gate, Call Of Duty, and Zombie Army series and are owned by their respective companies.
Third POV
After the brief conversation that Professor Richardson, Louis Lambert, and Lucius Basilius had about their present situation with the appearance of the Undead Reich in Falmart.

Louis Lambert would send a small party back through the gate to maintain a steady connection between New Liberty Hill in Falmart and their primary base in Paris, France. This task took around two and a half hours to complete.

Later, the exploration missions into the region would commence. However, Louis Lambert received orders from his superiors that the recon team must include a mix of all representing nationalities. It would be a challenging undertaking for Louis, yet he managed to create a plan to represent the nationalities in the recon team.

He considered that the convoy should be composed of the most skilled members of each platoon and the small force that he possessed within the base.

The vehicles being utilized for their first exploration mission in Falmart would be one M3 scout car outfitted with .30 caliber Browning M1919A4 in the front and .50 caliber Browning M2HB in the back, one M3 scout car equipped with supplies for the recon team, one three sitter Willys MB Jeep, and one T-34 Russian Tank for offensive and defensive against any target that attacks the recon team.

After identifying the vehicles to be utilized by the recon team in their exploration missions. Louis Lambert would need to compile a list of recon team members who had been chosen based on their military profile. After 2 hours of examining military profiles. He gathered the recon team's most skilled and experienced members.

List Of Members For The Recon Team
From the United Kingdom
John Price: Captain and SAS.
Thomas Wright: Combat Medic and Officer Candidate 2nd Class.
From the United States
Tank Dempsey: Corporal and Harden Marine.
Peter McCain: OSS Operative and Marine.
From Imperial Japan
Takeo Masaki: Honorable Samurai and Captain.
Ren Hiroshi: Expert Sniper and First Lieutenant.
From Small Russian Force
Nikolai Belinski: Sergeant within the Red Army of the Soviet Union.
Joseph Petrov: Expert Markman and Corporal.
From Small German Force
Klaus Hoffmann: Former Wehrmacht Captain.
Hans Virtanen: Explosive Expert and Wehrmacht Senior Private.

Once he realized that these men would be the recon team for the Falmart exploration missions. Louis Lambert would summon these men and inform them of their new assignment.

Louis Lambert POV
'Considering that the first exploration mission into Falmart would have Professor Richardson as a translator and Lucius Basilius as our guide to the region. I think this mission would go out in a positive direction.' I thought to myself.

After waiting 10 minutes for the members of the newly formed recon team to meet with me to discuss the new task that I had assigned to them, I observed them walking out of the Barracks tent, and when they saw me, they formed a line in front of me and kept silence until I began speaking.

"Aright! I understand that you all may be thinking about why I called you all here, but what I am going to say to you is that you all have been chosen to be our first recon team for the first exploration missions into Falmart." I said in a serious manner, which got the attention of everyone in formation.

"I understand that you all must be shocked that I selected everyone here to be the members of the newly formed recon team. However, the reason why I pick you all is that everyone here has the best experiences and skills in their fields of combat or support under your nation's military, which is why I assigned you all to this." I said.

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