good Morning

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I woke up late much later then I usually do the sun burning in thought my window but I still felt so cosy and comfy I felt a hand stroking my hair so I smiled and sat up a little resting my chin on his chest "good morning" I smiled a little groggy

"Good morning" he smiled widely, still petting my hair "you do this with every one of your tutor students?"

"No" I giggled

"Just the ones you feel sorry for?"

"I do feel sorry for you Adam but that's not why I slept with you" I smirked giving his lips a soft little kiss he happy pulled me closer into the kiss pulling my body against his own

"I'm sorry. Given everything with Amy... I haven't done that in a while"

"You were great" I giggled "it's okay I haven't since my Luke so" I shrug grabbing a cigarette from the side table he grabbed the lighter and lit it up for me once I had a long take I passed it too him the two of us sharing as we snuggled



"I... I really like you."

"What?" I asked sitting up keeping the covers around me

"I do. I really like you Y/n. Maybe... once I clear things with Amy did you, maybe wanna go out sometime?" He smiles sitting up in my bed

"Out where?"

"To a movie? Dinner? Walk in the park? Maybe come back here for a repeat of last night" he suggested

"How about just... well see okay Adam?"

"Sure." He nods "how about I make you some breakfast?" He suggested getting out the bed and slipping his boxers back on from last night "can I borrow this?" He asks looking at my little robe on the door

"Sure" I giggled so he happily slipped on my back silk robe

"I weirdly... don't mind this" he laughs looking at himself in my mirror I laughed at him a little and he went to my kitchen starting work on something

"I haven't had someone make me breakfast in a very long time"

"Ohh I always do it. Amy always wanted breakfast before I go to clas so I'd make it for her before I left" he explained "didn't your luke make you breakfast some days?"

"No. He wasn't that kinda guy"


"It's alright long time ago" I nodded getting out of bed and slipping my nightie on and going into the kitchen

"Hey! Eyes out you shall be surprised' he says as he spotted me looking

"Sorry, you... you should call Amy. She'll be worried about you"

"Will she?" He laughs turning and giving me a cuddle "she can worry" he shrugs "Im happy here with you Y/n"

"That's sweet Adam" I laughed



"Do you like me?"

"I like you" I shrug

"So why can't we hang out again? I had so much fun last night with you. Please Y/n"

"Okay Adam" I laughed "we can hang out again"

"How about tomorrow night?"

"Sure tomorrow night" I nodded

"Great. I know exactly where I'm taking you" he smiled giving me a kiss "ooh breakfast, french toast mi lady" he smiled offering me the little plate

"Thank you Adam" 

Adam Douglas imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now