Driving Home For Christmas

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I hummed my little tune as I put my last few bags into the back of our sweet little mini "I love Christmas trips!" I giggled

".... let's do this bullshit" Adam sighed standing by the door with his last bag and a coffee in his travel mug "Let's drive across the UK. in the snow. on Christmas eve. to my girlfriend's parent's house." he sighed sipping his coffee

"Can we get Mcdonalds?"

"Y/n. don't make this any harder than it has to be"

"Please, there still doing breakfast"

"..... fine" he sighed "Only for hashbrowns," he says "But no Mcdonalds, no KFC, no burgers, no take out we bought snacks and we made sandwiches," he says

"But what if I need to pee?"

"we will stop if you need to pee honey"

"what if you need to pee?"

"We will not stop if I need to pee. I am a man! I can piss in a bottle"

"Please don't piss in a bottle while on our Christmas road trip"

"you can't stop me"

"Please adam"

"fine, I'll stop when I need to pee. then you need to sync with me" He says giving me a sip of his coffee

"Ewww adam!" I complained as his coffee was gross

"what you need to drink the same as me so we sync up," He says "I'm not stopping twice. you must need to pee when I need to pee"

"Come on adam let's get going before we hit the traffic and the snowstorms"

"Fine. Come on let's do this" he sighed putting his stuff in and climbing into the cat "you ready?"
"You haven't forgotten anything?"
"You don't need to pee?"
"Alright let's go" he started the car up and we headed out our little road I reached into the back and got my little blanket putting it over my legs as well as my little pillow "if your cold I'll turn the heating on honey"
"No I got a blanket I'm cosy" I smiled "cosy watching you drive though the snow" I giggled we drove a good long while him ignoring me most times I asked for drive Thur he did get us some hash browns thought just before breakfast ended, and we went on the infinate streching roads overlooking feild of snow, the occasional flurry of which we drove though, the other cars all slowly trickling away as they all got where they where going, our gentle Christmas music on low on the radio often interupted by comparison website, food and shop adverts as well as traffic updates and weather news Telling us more snows coming. I smiled gently singing along with the music
"Yeah honey?"
"Can next year we just stay home and cosy up together?"
"Aww course we can y/n" he smiled stroking my thigh "you know you can tell your parents no about visiting, if you wanna have Christmas together in our own little house?"
"I'd like too, but next year okay?"
"Okay, sounds perfect my darling" he smiled

Adam Douglas imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now