Chapter Two: The Matriarch

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Okay, I love my mother the most, I do. I really do but she can be a right pain the ass sometimes and by sometimes I mean all the time. She thinks she's the head of the family when the truth, she isn't. I am the Alpha of my pack.

After what happened today at school, I am mad. Really mad. Who the hell does Drew think he is? His arrogance and his imbecility got him kicked out of this pack. People say, 'Old habits die hard.' and in this case, the really do.

But that wasn't it. The thing that was the highlight of my day was, I found my mate. It wasn't a girl. It was the guy I accidentally threw the duster at and knocked him out. I think his name is Aiden or Hayden. It's one of them. When he passed through reception I looked at him and it was then my wolf said, "Mate! Mate!"

I have never liked boys in that way and I have a girlfriend right now. It's not serious or anything but I like girls.

My mother is the typical matriarch. She's head of the family and if someone goes against her wishes, you get the silent treatment. And trust me, you do NOT want to get the silent treatment from my mother, Triphena Wright. The old brunette lady who knits something everyday and through her powers which only some werewolves get, she knits something new everyday. She is a woman who sits on her iconic arm chair and watches EastEnders every single night, somehow. To be fair, I find EastEnders pathetic. It should be called the Square of Misery. Did I forget to mention that she's British? Well now you know.

"Hello, brother. Mother is waiting," Ashley says. Ashley, my sister. The sarcastic little bitch, as my dearest mother describes her. Ashely is actually two years older than me but always a male offspring leads the pack.

"Mother, hello. You asked of me?" Mind you, I do not talk like this all the time. "Yes, you nugget. Now sit down." I sit down. "Now, I haven't talked to you in ages because of this whole pack business and your school. How is everything going?" I sigh. "Well, everything is good and calm for now. But the Elder of the pack has predicted that something bad will happen to the pack. When and how? Or to whom? I don't know. But I am prepared for it like I always have. When dad died or when Jacob died." My mom's eyes saddened. "I know, son you have. That day I lost two important and the dearest men in my life. Now enough of this sad story. Go on. Get off that big arse off yours and go to that no good girlfriend of yours. She's waiting outside." I laugh and ask, "How did you know?"

"Son, if you're my son, I am your mother. Also, I smelled her horrible perfume she always wears. Now go."

For the first time when I have sex with my girlfriend or she tries to seduce me, I don't enjoy it. Is it because I found my mate? I can't talk to him. Not now. Nor ever. He seems like a good kid from what I have learnt from people at school. I don't want to drag him into this world. But then how will I be able to live?

"Babe," I say cringing at the word, "do you want to go downtown?" She nods. Thank god. At least now she won't try to seduce me.


I go downtown with Jason. Well, he kind of forced me to go so I really didn't have a choice.

"You owe me, Jason," I say. "I know," he says. "Come on, cheer up. I wanted you to come-" I laugh at that. "Ha ha ha. So mature of you. Anyways, I wanted you to accompany me because all you were doing was sitting in that room of yours hugging me for God knows how long." Yes, I and him do that sometimes. . We are just really good friends. #NoRelationshipAlert

"Oh fine. Come on. Get our fake ids out, Jason darling. We are gonna have a mad night out," I say, excited.

We actually do have a mad night out. First, we go to this restaurant and eat. Then we go to a cinema and watch some next depressing movie and then we go to a club.

It's loud here. Very loud. The DJ is playing Zedd. Oh yes. Now you're talking. I and Jason just dance for straight two hours. Then we go to the bar and drink shots. Boy, they were bitter.

All of a sudden I see Lachlan snogging his girlfriend behind the bar. "This is so much fun," Jason says. "Thank you for coming." I nod and say, "You got that right." I try and see if Lachlan's still there but isn't. "Must have gone to the toilets," I mutter under my breath.

"Ohmigod! Hayden Huttchinson. I cannot believe its you!" I turn around and see Jeanine Barton. "When the hell did you come back, Jea?" I say, hugging her tight. "I just came back a few days ago and this time I am back for good."

"Oh so forget me then," Jason says, with his chubby face. "Ah cutie pie, how can I forget you?" She then hugs him. Jeanine moved to Australia two years ago with her family. Then I see him again. My dream boy, Lachlan. Boy, he looks fit. No, Hayden. No. He has a girlfriend. Let it be.

Then I start to laugh for no reason. It's because Jeanine is tickling me. I laugh like a baby. I stumble upon something and someone catches me. It's Lachlan. His face is so close to me. I might as well kiss him while I have the opportunity but I hold it. "I am sorry," I say, still starstruck. "Pleasure is all mine. Be careful next time. I might not be there to catch you," he says. I say thank you and he leaves. Did he just flirt with me? Wow. Its like dream coming true.

There, after all, I might have a chance with this hunk.



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Two chapters in a day people :D

See ya later x

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