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what a wild ride you're in for.

chap 50.

get ready.

I wasn't fully aware exactly how much I love Blake until I saw her interact with my family

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I wasn't fully aware exactly how much I love Blake until I saw her interact with my family. She was so perfectly perfect and she fit in so wonderfully. She was never rude or conniving, she was exactly her. We finished lunch with playful banter and a few jokes mainly pointed towards me. The day had gone by so smoothly, us as a family watching a movie in the living room together, Blake and I sneaking in a quick make out session on my teenage bed, and now we sit with my mother and sister playing a board game.

"For fucks sake give me the money, Mere." I demand, holding my hand out. My eyes were staring at her with so much annoyance I might explode.

"Harry! Language!" Mother scolds from her spot on the other side of the game board.

"Mum, she is seventeen years old I think she has heard the word fuck before." I roll my eyes at the incredulous comments being made.

I felt Blake nudge my arm in disapproval. Women.

"Doesn't mean you say it in front of her, Harry Edward." My mother tells me sternly like I'm a teenager once again.

"Harry Edward." Blake laughs murmuring the stupid name under her breath.

"Okay, well give me my money Mere, then maybe I wouldn't have to cuss." I hold out my hand again, opening and closing my palm, hoping she gets the hint to pay up.

We were in the middle of an intense game of Monopoly, I'm sitting on the small loveseat couch with Blake while Mere and mom were sitting by the table on the floor. This whole day has been easy? Which I wasn't expecting at least my mom didn't pull a whole notebook yelling 'Trash! Trash! Trash! Not for you!' at me after meeting Blake.

"Hey I know you are Mr. Cool California guy now but that doesn't mean you can barge in here and take my Monopoly crown Harry." Meredith sighs, counting some money.

"Mere how do you even-.....you need at least 3 people to play Monopoly." I laugh, shaking my head.

"Who said it was just me and Mum playing?" Her eyebrows raise, and her lips turn upward into a smirk. Blake silently laughs next to me.

"See I know you are shitting me! Just give me the money and roll the dice. Mere, I'm trying to finish this game preferably before sunrise."

"Harry!" Mum scolds me again for my foul language.

"Don't even go there, you just want alone time with Blake." Meredith points in our direction, holding her stack of paper colored money close to her chest.

"Gonna blame me?" I raise my hands up in surrender, Blake grabbing my arm and pulling it down to my lap, rolling her eyes.

"I'm right here, just take my dang money, Harry. Meredith you can roll."She laughs, sliding me a twenty. I don't even know why we are fighting anyway, Blake is beating us all by a landslide.

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