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smut?? yea. smut.
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"I can't believe it

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"I can't believe it." He whispers into my hair as another tear falls from his cheek so delicately.

We were still in his mother's kitchen, dancing to a song I didn't know. The subconscious movements of our feet were going unnoticed as we confessed every feeling to each other.

When he said he loves me, I think my heart gave out for a good minute. I had never felt such a rush of emotion as he cried in front of me, pouring his heart out in the form of words.

I love him.

I truly do.

"Have I not made it obvious?" I say softly in response, my eyebrows raising in genuine question. It was so hard to keep in my feelings that I was sure I slipped up at some point.

"I just never thought anyone would love me this way." His hands smooth down my shoulders as his eyes take in my body, both of us covered in a bit of paint, both a bit tired, and both hopelessly in love with each other.

"Why not, Harry baby? You're the easiest person to love." My hand finds his cheek, holding it in place as he looks me straight in the eyes.

His green irises that light up so much of the world. They stared at me like I was the only thing that mattered to him.

"I guess it's just so emotional for me because I was convinced this whole time you were going to leave. At some point in time you would realize I'm not worth it for such a traumatizing life."

He thought that after everything, I'd still leave him. He was getting so lost in translation that I couldn't even explain to him how much he meant to me. He was my masterpiece. The times were I was running scared, he was there, and I remember it all too well.

I went back to him after he told me everything, I fought for him when his father was nothing but trash, I went on a mission just so I could avoid conflict. And even after all that, he still didn't understand.

He was so broken in his thoughts that only time could repair the damage that once was.

"Sunshine, you bring excitement. I've told you this. I'm not leaving." I tell him sternly, my hands in his hair. The feeling of his brown locks will never get old as they slip through my fingertips.

"God, I love you." He mumbles, pressing a kiss to my forehead, his eyes squeezing shut. My hands move from his hair to his back, hugging him close. He's shaking. I don't know why he's shaking, but he is. Maybe in excitement or anxiety.

"I love you, Harry." I remind him, my lips gingerly touching his chest.

We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light

Down the stairs, I was there

I remember it all too well

"Say it again." He begs, another tear slipping from his bottom lash line. I reach up to press my lips to his cheek, wiping the tears from his face with my lips. The salt coating my lips, but I can only mumble words into his skin.

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