15 | You've earned it

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Etham - 12:45:
'It's 12:45 on a Tuesday, I don't really care what you say, I'm just getting off my face tonight 'cause I'm just tryna live till the weekend and I don't know how I'm supposed to breathe when everything you say is playing on my mind'

W A R N I N G: mature content

The evening sun shone through Noelle's apartment when she had just finished cleaning up dishes after her dinner. The satisfied and excited feeling she got after her brainstorming session this afternoon was still lingering when Noelle made her way over to her bedroom. She wanted to get an early night tonight, before meeting with Sophie at her gallery first thing tomorrow morning as she only had class later in the afternoon anyway. Noelle was just taking off her clothes when suddenly her phone rang loudly on her bedside table. Charles was FaceTiming her. She hesitated to put her shirt back on, seeing as she was just in her lingerie now, but she smiled before she answered without adding another layer of clothes.

"Hi.." She nearly whispered, her phone screen focussed on her face, not really showing anything below her neck. Charles was cuddled up in bed and she could tell he was pretty tired when he greeted her too. "How are you? You look exhausted". Noelle giggled and Charles let out a small chuckle as well. "Yeah, I'm still in Bahrain, we did some more testing this afternoon and we went to grab some drinks after, but I left pretty soon because I was nearly falling asleep at the bar". He said and Noelle could tell he was a little tipsy by the blush on his cheeks and the way he spoke. "What have you been up to?" He asked, while Noelle shuffled further back onto her bed. She told him about her day and her plan to see Sophie in the morning while he listened closely. "I was just getting ready to go to bed now. Maybe have another look at that picture you sent me last night". She said, a cheeky grin growing on her face.

Charles copied her expression and raised his eyebrows before he moved the duvet off his chest to show her the same view, but this time, it was live. "Oh never mind, this is better.." Noelle said when she laid down on her sheets herself, her eyes focussed on his solid abs on the screen. "Yeah, you like it?" Charles asked, a flirty tone in his low voice noticeable. "Hmm-mm I sure do, but I can ask you the same thing.." Noelle answered when she lifted the camera off her face to show more of her body and the lingerie she was wearing. It wasn't anything special, but by the look in Charles' eyes, he wasn't looking at the lingerie anyway. Her face wasn't on screen now, just her body showing and Noelle chuckled when she noticed Charles was taking a few screenshots, not speaking a word, just letting out small hums.

"I take it, that's a yes?" She asked and he quickly bit his lip before he nodded as she moved her face on screen again. "I'm flying home tomorrow afternoon, do you want to meet up?" He asked bluntly and Noelle furrowed her brows for a moment. She had a pretty busy schedule the next few days, seeing as the fashion show was getting closer and closer and she still needed to finish the dresses and her work for the other project they had started today. "I really can't this week I'm afraid.. I'll text you, though, we'll arrange something when I have time, okay?" She apologized and Charles nodded to let her know he understood. "I have been thinking about you a lot, your picture has been on my mind ever since you sent it to me and now I have even more". Charles said, mentioning the screenshots he had just taken and it made Noelle giggle.

She liked seeing him like this and without hesitation, she stood up from her bed and walked over to the other side of the room where her mirror was before she moved one of her hands to her back, her fingers finding the clasp of her bra immediately. Charles' was rubbing his eyes, not noticing she had moved at all and he wanted to speak up again when Noelle stopped him. "I'm sorry I can't see you this week, Charles. But maybe I know a way to make it up to you.." She said, taking her bra and thong off her body while keeping her eyes focussed on the screen in front of her. "Just be ready to take a few more screenshots, okay?" She whispered before she turned the camera around again, showing her fully naked body in the mirror. Charles groaned at the sight and within seconds, Noelle noticed him doing exactly what she told him to do.

Say It's Me ☾ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now