43 | We'll be fine

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Luz - We'll Be Fine:
'I wanna know what it's like. Let's just erase all the downsides, if not forever then just for tonight, give me all of you. Trust me, I know that we'll be fine'

The next twelve hours were kind of a blur for Noelle. After they landed, a car took the both of them to their hotel and once again, she was in for a shock. Their room was beautiful, on the top level of the building, overlooking the beautiful French mountains. The couple ordered some room service and stayed in for the evening, just watching some tv and cuddling in bed before trying to get a good night's sleep. It took a while before Noelle could find the rest to be able to do so as she had been staring at the beautiful bracelet her newly acquired boyfriend had given her for a few hours after he had closed his eyes. But it was the best feeling in the world to be able to cuddle up to him, close her eyes and know that within 48 hours she could watch him do what he did best all over again.

The next morning, the both of them were woken up by Charles' alarm clock. It wasn't as much of an early call as today was only media day, but it was still hard to drag their bodies out of bed as both of them wished to stay cuddled up to each other even longer. Noelle had contemplated staying back in the hotel for today, as she didn't want all Charles' interviews to be about her but there was no way he would let her stay here and he promised her that he would be fine and he wanted her at the track with him. So after a nice shower, putting on some light make-up and getting dressed in a white tank top and a pair of lavender coloured high waisted pants, Noelle checked her white purse to make sure she had everything she needed for a day in the paddock.

"Do you have your pass?" Charles asked and Noelle held it up by the cord to show him she did before she hung it around her neck. She took a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and watched as Charles put on his shoes, admiring how gorgeous he looked in his red Ferrari shirt for a moment. "Are you ready?" He asked while he walked up to her, sticking his arm through his backpack and stopping in front of her momentarily. "Hmm". Noelle hummed while she nodded which she instantly regretted. She knew Charles could pick up on the nerves she was feeling and he smiled lovingly before he cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand. "It's going to be okay, mon ange. Everything is going to be fine". He reassured her before he gently pecked her lips. "Let's go". He whispered with his face still close to hers as he smiled brightly.

Noelle took a deep breath and followed the brown-haired boy out of their hotel room and for the first few steps she was a little nervous to be seen together. The hateful comments she had been receiving the past few weeks had made her insecurities sky-rocket and Noelle sometimes felt like she wasn't good enough to be with Charles. She sighed softly when they waited for the elevator to arrive and Noelle subconsciously stroked the bracelet Charles had given her the previous day. It made her nerves settle down a bit and within a few seconds, the pair of them stepped into the elevator. Noelle knew that once they were downstairs and the doors would open, the circus would start and there was no turning back. As if Charles could read her mind, right before the doors of the elevator opened, he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together.

The little 'ding' noise made Noelle's heart beat a little quicker but once she looked at the smile on her boyfriend's face, she knew that they would be alright. She followed him out into the busy hotel reception area and watched how he greeted some people from his team before he looked back to search for her again. "Everyone, I want you to meet my girlfriend Noelle, Noelle this is Mia, my press officer, Andrea, my personal trainer and Domenico, Enzo, Guiseppe and Mateo, a few of my mechanics. Noelle shook all of their hands before she got pulled into a hug by Mia. "I think you could use one of these after the last few weeks you two have had". The blonde woman said and Noelle instantly felt at ease with her. "You could say that, yeah. Thank you for handling it all that well for us". She answered, remembering how Charles told her everything Mia had done for them.

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