24 | Runway of dreams

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Rosie Darling - Coping:
'Inside jokes and places that you'd take me. Bet you probably blame me. I know it's lame, but this is how I'm coping without you'

Even though Noelle had been preparing for this moment for months now, it felt like the afternoon of the fashion show had snuck up on her unexpectedly. She was currently rearranging all of her products and accessories on the station every student had received while Sophie was curling her own hair. "Are you excited?" The brunette girl asked and Noelle let out a sigh, feeling like she had just taken her first breath of the entire day. She felt the nerves bubble in her stomach and there was a constant lump in her throat, but overall she felt excited. She couldn't wait to show off her dresses to her teachers, her classmates and the other guests. So she looked at her best friend through the mirror and nodded, forcing herself to smile shyly.

"There is nothing more you can do now, your dresses are finished and they look stunning. I'm the only one that can mess it up now by falling on the catwalk". Sophie said, chuckling slightly and Noelle finally let out a laugh, happy that her friend was trying to calm her nerves. The girls had done a trial run last night and the dresses fitted perfectly, the makeup looks complimented the colours of the fabric and they decided on the hairstyles for each look, so they were well prepared. Noelle looked around the room to see the rest of her classmates and she waved at Christine who was positioned at the other side of the room, steaming her first dress in preparation for the catwalk. The blonde girl eyed some of the dresses on the racks of the other students and she spotted a few nice ones among them but she was so proud of her own creations as well.

The girls started working on the makeup look for the first dress when suddenly they heard two male voices from across the room. Gabriel and Stephan walked towards them with a bouquet of flowers in both of their hands and Noelle melted at the sight of the sweet boy in front of her, his cute dimple showing when he smiled. Gabriel kissed Sophie while handing her the flowers while Stephan stopped in front of her. "These are for you". He said and Noelle felt a blush creep up on her face when she accepted his gift. "Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you". She said before she reached for his face cupping his cheek before placing a small kiss on his lips. Stephan smiled and he wrapped his arms around her waist to give her a hug.

They talked for a moment before the boys left to go find their seats, leaving the girls to finish the first look. Noelle glanced at her best friend when she stepped from behind the screen where she had changed and she gasped. The look had fully come together now and it was everything she had hoped for. "This one is actually made for you! I know that's what's supposed to happen when you design a dress but it suits you so well". Noelle said when she circled around her best friend, taking in every aspect of her look. Her dark brown hair was styled half up half down with some braids around her head and the blush coloured material complimented her skin tone perfectly. The makeup look made her light brown eyes pop and the gold jewellery topped it all off. "Are you ready for the first run?" She said and the brunette girl smiled widely.

The girls hugged each other before they moved over to the entrance of the stage, waiting in line while one of Noelle's teachers opened the show. They listened to the crowd clap when the music for the first model started and Noelle felt the nerves bubble up in her stomach again. She knew Sophie noticed because she grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers while they kept moving forward in the line. When there was only one more model in front of them, Noelle turned to her best friend. "Thank you so much for doing this for me. You're going to kill it, you look beautiful". The girls quickly hugged again when Noelle heard her name being called out. "Our next model is Sophie and she is wearing the first dress in the collection designed by Noelle Beaumont!" 

The brunette girl stepped forward onto the stage and Noelle could see the big smile form on her face when she walked forward. She could only see a part of the catwalk but by the sounds of it, the crowd loved her dress. Her eyes scanned over the people she could see and suddenly she spotted Gabriel and Stephan, proudly watching over Sophie as she strutted down the runway. Gabriel was taking pictures while Stephan was clapping his hands with a big smile on his face and Noelle could see that he was really enjoying it. Before she knew it, she saw Noelle walk back towards the beginning of the stage again, which she exited on the other side. The blonde girl ran through the hallway and threw her arms across her best friends' neck when they saw each other again.

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