22 | How have you been?

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Wafia - How To Lose A Friend:
'Nobody tells you how it's supposed to end. How do you go from talking every day, to will we ever speak again? With someone you knew so well, so well. Still exists but it's somebody else, and nobody tells you how it's supposed to end. How to lose a friend'

1 2 t h  o f  M a y  2 0 2 1:

"I think we need a dark smokey eye with this dress". Sophie said, pointing at the black dress with the tulle layer over top. "Maybe a dark red lip?" The brunette girl asked, cocking her head sideways to show she was in deep thought. Noelle was gathering some of the jewellery pieces she had ordered, laying them out on the floor in front of the dresses that were hanging from her closet door. The fashion show was in a few days and to say she was nervous, was an understatement. Noelle was extremely happy with how the dresses had turned out, but the thought of showing them to a room full of people who knew everything about fashion, was nearly making her sick.

"I was thinking a bronzy gold look for the first one and maybe a reddish-orange for the second". Noelle told her best friend after she had also found the shoes to complete the outfits. The pair of them looked at the end result and a big smile showed up on their faces. "This looks incredible, Elle!" Sophie said before she turned to face her best friend. "Yeah?" The blonde girl was still a bit sceptical but the look on Sophie's face told her everything she needed to know. "Yes! Look at that, you made this!" She said when she walked over to one of the dresses and held it in front of her body. "I know you have made lots of dresses in the past few years, but these three are so special. They are so typically you: timeless, elegant and so sophisticated. People will pay serious money for these dresses in a few years!"

Noelle chuckled at her friend's speech but deep down she was really grateful. Sophie had been her rock ever since she started university and to finish this chapter with her before they were embarking on their next journey together was really special. "Thanks, Soph". Noelle said before she gave her best friend a loving hug. She couldn't have done any of this without her support. "We'll do a practice run on the makeup tomorrow evening, just to be sure and then we're ready to show them all how awesome you are!" Sophie said and Noelle giggled slightly, agreeing with her friend to see each other again tomorrow night to do a little trial run. "Do you want to go get a cup of coffee?" Sophie asked after the girls had put all the accessories away in separate piles.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just grab my shoes". Noelle said and she went into her closet to grab some trainers. She was just wearing black leggings and a baggy shirt but they were only going to the cafe a little further down the street anyway. The girls left the apartment, both immediately blinded by the afternoon sun before placing their sunglasses on their faces while they walked towards the coffee shop. "You can go find us a table, I'll get the coffees". Noelle said when they noticed it was quite busy inside. She waited in line for a while to order her cappuccino and the latte for her best friend when all of a sudden she felt a presence behind her.

Usually, Noelle would have just stayed put, not looking who was standing so close behind her but something made her turn around. And when she did, all of the air was knocked out of her lungs immediately. It was Charles. Noelle gasped for air, not able to say anything because of the dry feeling in her throat and Charles seemed to be the same until he cleared his throat and softly spoke up. "I-I'm sorry, there are people behind me.." He stuttered when he pointed at the long line that had formed behind him, everyone trying to come into the coffee shop. Noelle nodded slightly, not wanting to say anything else to him and she wanted to turn around when she suddenly heard his voice again. "H-How are you?" He sounded nervous.

"I'm good". Noelle said, feeling a lump form in her throat since this was the first contact they had in about a month and a half. She quickly swallowed it away, she didn't want him to know that he had hurt her. Noelle wanted to pretend she hadn't even noticed he had ghosted her all this time. "How have you been? Haven't seen you in a while". She said, forcefully pushing out a chuckle to try and lighten the mood a little while they both shuffled forward towards the register. Noelle ordered their coffees and slightly stepped aside while she waited for them to be made. "Yeah, I'm alright. I've just been really busy". Charles said and it seemed like he didn't dare to look at her. 'Yeah, busy avoiding me'. Noelle thought but she forced herself to act normal for now.

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