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Two birds on a wiiiiiiiiireeeee

Ok I'm sorry, it's been on my head all day

Alexa play whatever this song is called.


Hyunjin had to grab Changbin's arm for the third time as they got to their side of the small river again, after he almost slipped on the snow as they climbed the bridge and almost walked into a tree.

"What the hell do you have now? Is there snow in your eyes?", Chan mocked, slapping his head slightly. "Little Changbin left his brain back there, Lix was the one taking the ball to his head, not you."

The shorter whined a bit, pouting at his friends and Hyunjin saved him.

"Lix? Since when are you two close?", Hyunjin snorted.

"We're both Australian, our parents talk a lot and we are usually together at church, when I go."

"Which is almost never-"

"That's an exaggeration, I go when the lord misses me."

"If I was him, I'd be thankful you never step on his ground."

Chan almost hit Minho, running after the guy in the snow and leaving the two friends behind as they laughed and cursed at each other.

"Kids these days.", Hyunjin jokes. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem distracted."

The shorter tried to smile but Hyunjin knew it was a fake one, a discomfortable smile, even.

"It's nothing, just feel bad about Felix. The ball hit him pretty bad."

Hyunjin hummed, patting his back.

"He's a tough guy, you saw him play basketball before with the team, even if you never played together. He took a lot basketball balls to the head when he was teaching Jeongin after church as well when we were younger, he survived.", Hyunjin chuckled to himself, not noticing the small smile that creeped onto Changbin's face. "Old times, I miss them."

"This got really cheesy all of a sudden, but I do too. Remember when we used to run from your father's sermons?"

Hyunjin's eyes widened but he laughed.

"Oh god, we were kids, sinning was a daily activity since we could not understand.", he waved at the other two boys, who laid on the snow, making angels. "Plus I could not yet understand the importance of what my dad was saying all Sunday's, I just wanted to run through the snow."

"And do this.", Hyunjin hissed at the cold in his face, a grinning Changbin in front of him with another snowball in his hand. They ended up falling next to the other two after a small fight, tired and panting like small kids again.

"Say, you asked Seungmin's name, why?", Chan turned a bit to them, sitting and staring down at the younger's. Hyunjin shrugged.

"I wanted to know."

"Seungmin? You don't know his name? That's impossible.", Minho furrowed his eyebrows. "We used to be friends in middle school."

"We did?"

Chan scoffed at Hyunjin's expression as they all sat down.

"Dude, he was in theater club with us, you used to sit together at church, don't you remember him?"

Hyunjin's mouth dropped, he shook his head.

"I do! I can't believe this... I've talked to him and been with him so many times this year and i- I never seemed to remember his name. God, I feel terrible now, I need to talk to hi-", he got up, almost followed by his friends, but the other side of the river was nothing but a white, plain and silent space. "They're gone. He must hate me now."

"Chill, he probably doesn't even care too. Are you okay? Changbin? Wake up!", Chan snapped his fingers in front of the shorter's face, who woke up from his daydream. "Let's go, it's getting late and there's church tomorrow morning for you three."

"You're going too.", Minho pointed his finger at the older's chest. "It's been too long."

"That's it! I need to talk to him tomorrow at church! Apologize for having forgotten about it!"

Chan sighed.

"Hyunjin, It's not that big of a deal."

"But I want to."

Minho rolled his eyes, helping Changbin up.

"That's his problem, this one here is ours. He's broken, what even are you thinking about?"

"He's worried he hurt Felix."

Chan scoffed, throwing his head back with a wide smile.

"What? Want to go pat his head and kiss it better? Fell in love?"

All their heads turned to Chan, the group growing silent like there had been some pact between them.

"W-what-", Changbin's hands were shaking as Minho held his arm stronger.

"Don't be silly, he's a nice guy that is worried about hurting someone."

Chan chuckled, making a sad face.

"Are you sure Binnie? Lying to us like that? Don't you want to go check up on Lixie? Give him a kiss and-"

"Enough.", Hyunjin's voice was deeper than usual. There's no need to joke with that, look at what you're doing to him.

Chan rolled his eyes and pulled the shorter's chin up, watching his eyes tremble.

"You're either scared because it's true, or because it's a sin and I sure do hope it's the second one. Being nice and being a freak is completely different so maybe set your priorities straight. You can check up on him when you're both dancing with your dates at prom." Chan lowered his voice, almost whispering. "If he falls, he's not okay, if he dances, then there's your answer."

The older winked at the guy and straightened up, smiling normally again and walking away, leaving the three behind in the snow. Minho sighed, rolling his eyes and Changbin felt like crying, while Hyunjin simply stared at the place his friend had been on.

He loved his friends, his town, his family.

But he knew most of them were sinners somehow.

And though god forgave the person, but not the sin, that town forgave no one and anything.

Hyunjin hated that.




Chan is amazing and I need to stop making him the idiot it's someone else's turn next time.

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