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I need to post two chapters for some days if I want to have this story posted by Christmas so today you get two chapters for no reason at all!

Yey :)

Alexa play Domino English version by Straykids.


Changbin wiped the sweat off his forehead with an arm and held onto Minho with the other as he panted by the end of practice. The coach was talking but he could not listen anymore, his arm was still hurting from his encounter with the wall and the ball had hit his face yet again, he was tired of running and not catching anything, he was tired of the coach's voice bugging him all afternoon and he was tired of the boy that run around his mind all day.

Felix was there, right in front of him, school uniform falling of his shoulder lightly as he tilted his neck, also not listening.

Changbin had his throat extremely dry and he had no idea why.

Minho followed his gaze, sighing and snapping his fingers.

"You're staring."

"S-sorry.", he let go of the older, straighting his body up and gulping, averting his gaze from the younger and back at the adult, even though he still could not listen to him.

Minho had been cool about the whole situation, even though he hadn't commented much when Changbin asked the first time if it was that wrong to like boys, he was always seeing him and always helping when he needed to hide some reaction.

His red cheeks were because he was sick, his stuttering was because he had stayed studying late and was tired, his shaking was because he was cold, his heart eyes were because he was sleepy.

Minho was always there for him, and Changbin didn't understand why.

It had came out of his mouth before he could even think, and he had regretted it for seconds before the older sighed and tried to see their way through it, but Minho was never the closest to him in the group, if someone would ever act like this, he would have never expected it to be the cat lover.

"You're dismissed, do better next time."

"Great words of wisdom and encouragement.", Felix snorted as the coach left them alone, Hyunjin slapping his arm and throwing one last ball to the other side of the gym, before he swung his arm around Changbin. "Are you coming to mine now?"

"It's too late, Jin. I need to get home."

Hyunjin pouted like a child, but nodded, disappearing in front with Minho, probably bothering him to make him company as well.

"He's hyped today, I heard he has finally decided which girl he wants to ask out for prom."

Changbin smiled because Felix was smiling, not because of what he said. The taller had his hair parted weirdly, but still looked gorgeous, a towel around his neck and the sleeveless shirt still falling off.

"It's getting close.", he commented, not sure what to say as everyone walked in front of them. "I guess we all will have to chose soon."

Felix whined.

"In two weeks it's December, my parents are making my life hell with options, like they want me to go with some of their friend's daughter.", he shook his head, slowing down and sitting at the benches.

Changbin almost kept walking, not sure if the guy wanted company or just to be alone as the gym grew dark with the night coming outside.

"And you, what do you want?"

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