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December getting close and I'm stuck in chapter 26 of this story

I'll try to write today bc I want to finish it this week so I can focus on hourglass before I have some other idea and delay Your ascent even more cs I know y'all are thirsty for some JeongChan

Alexa play Domino by Straykids.


"If you don't shut the fuck up about Prom, I swear I will lock you in the bathroom on the day and you won't be able to be with anyone. Not even the ponche."

"Wait, there is no alcohol?"

Jisung rolled his eyes at Seungmin's comment, turning to the other side again as they walked inside the school.

"As I was saying, I'm done hearing about it."

"You're just jealous because I will have a date and you won't."

"You don't even know if she'll accept it.", Jisung poked his torso, making Felix hiss and slap his hand. They walked until Seungmin's locker was in front of them and the two guys turned to each other while the owner opened it. "I'm just speaking the truth, you barely talk to her."

"Well, the other day she was watching our basketball practice, and she smiled at me."

Seungmin got his book and closed the locker, rolling his eyes and walking, knowing his friends would follow him.

"I bet if you looked attentively around you, you could find Hyunjin behind you, right on the direction she was looking at.", Jisung smiled innocently and ran the bit that was left until the classroom, almost having to dodge Felix's hand.

"That bastard."

"Don't sweat it, she would never say no to you."

"Minnie, I want her to want to go with me, not just not deny it.", he pouted as the three made their way to their usual spots, the group or four behind them quieting down as Jisung fist bumped with Chan and Chnagbin and smiled at the other two. "I want her to be happy about it."

"Her? Who's her?", Chan's head perked up from the back, leaving the wall and smiling at the other Australian. "Felix my dear, tell me more."

"He's chickening out asking Siwoo out.", Jisung grinned, lifting his arms to protect himself from another flying slap. "He's all soft for her but can't man up to ask her to the prom."

"Enough. I'm not chickening out, I'm just trying to understand if she'd like to go with me."

"Maybe ask her? It's not that deep.", Hyunjin suggested, shrugging. "If you want to know then ask."

Seungmin cursed himself as a smile made it's way to his lips. The taller had his hair down that day, a black binnie on and a jacket tied until it could not anymore. His lips were almost purple from the cold but he still looked ethereal.

"I could, but that would kind of ruin the surprise, I guess."

"Don't think too much, Lix, no one would be crazy to say no to you.", Hyunjin smiled encouragingly and the other smiled back, accepting the compliment and turning back to the front to get his stuff of his backpack.

"Who are you guys taking?", Jisung asked, tilting his head.

"I have someone in mind."

"I do too."

Jisung wigled his eyebrows at the two oldests, turning to the other side of the table.

"And you? Changbin?", he had to touch the guy's arm to get his attention. "Hey?"

Prom Date [Seungjin]Where stories live. Discover now