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Ah Yes here We go

Get ready :)

Alexa play Miroh by Straykids.


"Silence!", Hyunjin's father shouted, groaning against the mic and rolling his eyes.

"They have to go." Chan smirked, ignoring the way his dad tried to pull him down still. "We have majority and we are the ones going to prom."

"I know that.", the man spit. "But we are not happy about this. You can go, the two of you, but you have to go with girls, and I don't even want to see you looking at guys.", he glared at his own son and Seungmin wished he could go and hold his hand, but it was too risky. "After the prom we'll see what we'll do. Until then try to get a date, maybe think about your mistakes.", he looked at the back of the room and Changbin hid behind the taller girl. He had noticed the sad looks some people had sent him after her small speech, but no one would care enough to save him if Felix hadn't.

He needed to go to him.

As soon as the session was over after a few parents doubts about the prom and some more dirty looks, the shorter hugged his sister, knowing she had to go back and deal with the consequences. He was extremely thankful for her small moment, but he needed his full time support.


He searched for the guy and smiled at the blond, already going to him. Minho and Jisung, Seungmin and Wonpil after him.

"You okay?"

"Yea, yes.", he smiled softly at the taller, knowing he could not hug him like he wanted to there.

"Let's go out, away from here, come on, kids.", Wonpil pulled Brian's arm, motioning a few more people to come, but Chnagbin was not thinking anymore.

Felix pulled him away faster, the back of the church watching them as he pulled the shorter into a hug, leaning against the wall as Changbin buried his face in Felix's neck again, becoming very fast his favorite place to breathe.

Jisung and Minho appeared next to them, and the younger smiled softly, nudging his boyfriend, who rolled his eyesight but smiled too.

"The other will go to the cafe without our parents, do you want to come?"

"No, please. I don't want people.", Changbin pouted, looking up at Felix, who kissed his forehead, nodding."

Jisung's eyes widened and he gripped the older's arm.

"We'll get going then, Goodnight."

"It's midday-"

Minho yelped as the guy pulled him, letting his boyfriend take him away from the guys, confused but knowing at the same time.

"Have you talked to Hyunjin?", Changbin whispered.

"His dad pulled him as soon as he shut the fuck up, sorry."

"No it's okay, we'll see him at prom. It's so close. And it will go so wrong."

Felix nodded, caressing his face and pulling his chin up to face him.

"Let's not think about that now, come on, let's go home."

"But, your parents-"

"They have lunch still, we're going home, eat some pizza and cuddle.", he leaned in to kiss Changbin's head again, and the shorter bit his lip, his mind running as they walked home.

Felix didn't hold his hand, but it was the middle of the day, so he simply couldn't.

They got home, ate, and the taller made his best to get Changbin happy, thinking he was still shaken up by the church meeting, when the shorter was looking that down.

He tried and tried, until he had no more options in mind than to watch a movie.

He put Changbin between his legs, cuddling him from behind and turned on a random comedy, hoping it would increase his mood, except it didn't.
They were 20 minutes into the movie when Changbin started crying.

Felix sighed, turning the guy slightly around.

"What's happening in your head?", he whispered, the night falling around them, the room a bit dark already.

"Nothing, forget-"

"Bin, what is happening?"

The shorter let another tear fall down his face, too tired to try and escape. He let his head fall, hands reaching for Felix's shirt and clutching it. The taller pulled him closer, adjusting him so they would be facing each other, Changbin's legs over his lap, on the side.

"I just don't want you to grow apart from me." he started, voice trembling too much for Felix's taste. "I told you before u-I... god, I c-couldn't promise..."

The taller bit his lip, taking a deep breath and pulling Changbin's chin up.

"The day at the park?" A nod. "Oh."

The shorter rubbed his face, groaning.

"You're too good to me, Lix.", he scoffed." Almost no time I was head over heels for you, even before I told you I couldn't promise to not fall for you.", Felix's eyes widened, not used to Changbin's confidence like that. The shorter was looking behind him at the wall, defeated, as if he was just dumping everything to feel lighter, while in reality his heart was beating so fast as he uttered those words, he was sure it was going to stop from all the effort. "That day I hit you with the ball at the river, I just became a mess. It was from then, I never even looked at someone else, Felix.", the taller reached out to clean a tear away from Changbin's face, caressing his cheek and catching his attention. The shorter locked eyes with him, smiling sadly. "I just never wanted to lose you, and I thought I would so many times. When you guys found out, I was so scared that you would walk away."

"But I didn't.", Felix moved his hand to Changbin's hair, smiling as the boy leaned into his touch.

"You didn't.", he chuckled. "I was in heaven, until I realized your stupid ass was making me fall deeper everyday." Felix let out a chocked laugh, tears falling down his face too. Changbin bit his lip, cleaning one of them shyly. "Why are you not pushing me away?"

"Why do you think, you idiot?"

Changbin gulped, seeing the way Felix's eyes flickered down to his lips for a second.

Holly shit.

"I don't know if I want to know.", he whispered, a hand pushing Felix's chest shakingly, to which the taller simply rolled his eyes.

Felix grabbed his hand and took it away, pulling the boy closer to him and pressing the back of his neck.

Changbin yelped.

"You do."

And he pressed his lips against the shorter's ones.


And I oop-

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