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For the record being a multi stan is killing my wallet once again


Alexa play the reader's current favourite song.

Don't be shy, tell me what it is😌

Get your uwu's ready for this chapter


Seungmin didn't have the time to freak out about the way Hyunjin was holding his hand as the taller squealed and pulled the tired guy in the lights direction.

They had just left their dance practice, and Hyunjin insisted that they should take a short walk to the central town park and take a look at the Christmas fair on it's first day.

Seungmin hated the Christmas fair, but how could he say no to that guy?

"Come on, Minnie, we'll lose the choir!"


Seungmin smiled, remembering faintly how that nickname was given to him as a child, before everything went downhill for his family. Hyunjin held his hand stronger as he pulled him between the bodies to get closer to the stage, and while Seungmin thought the taller would let go of his hand, he kept holding it close.

Sure the shorter noticed the way Hyunjin pulled his arm closer so no one would see, but that made him even warmer and he did not mind it at all.

"Christmas is such a beautiful time!"

Seungmin knew what was beautiful, and it was certainly not the melody the childreen were echoing, nor the Christmas decorations or the lights that blinded them up in the close sky.

It was Hyunjin.

That day he had a ponytail, his blonde hair falling in pieces in front of his shinning eyes, a smile that could cure any sadness in the world.

Seungmin almost choked.

How could someone be so beautiful?

Hyunjin felt observed at a point, his smile faltering a bit before he looked to his right, his chest empty of air as he saw the way Seungmin looked at him.

The shorter had a faint smile on his face, the way Hyunjin liked it the most, he wrinkled his nose a bit when he was lost in thought, his eyes a bit closed, smiling at him too.

Hyunjin thought Seungmin was beautiful.

He was even prettier with the red blush that spread over his face as he realized the older had caught him staring. Hyunjin squeezed his hand, pulling him away from the stage again.

"You don't like crowds a lot, do you?"

Seungmin smiled shyly.

"Not really, sorry, they sounded great, though."

"You don't need to lie. Come, let's go to a quiet place to rest a bit before you go out to those tents and get me a Santa prize in some stupid game."

Seungmin scoffed but let the taller pull him to the edge of the park, the lights still hanging on every tree, creating an effect that seemed taken out of a movie.

Seungmin looked up, following the yellow lightbulbs and smiling a bit at the scenario he used to love back when he was a kid.

"You know this is where my father and mother met?"

Hyunjin gasped lightly, pulling Seungmin a bit closer to his body.

"Had no idea, I'm so-"

"She said he was sitting there in that bench, ignoring everyone and just reading some book. She always hated to read." Seungmin let go of Hyunjin's hand, making the taller pout but not saying anything. He walked over to the bench and sighed, his hand caressing the old wood. That part of the park was empty, silent, the faint Christmas carol playing in the background making Hyunjin sweat for no specific reason. "She found him cute so she tried to talk to him.", he chuckled. "She turned to him and said she loved the book he was reading, and when he tried to talk about it with her she didn't know what to say."

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