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I'm late I was studying and forgot this app existed I am very sorry

I am probably still failing but who cares

Alexa play Turbulance by Ateez now am I writing that wrong bc my auto key thinks I am

Bitch what-


Seungmin gripped his head as the taller switched the music down.

"I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay, it's your third class only, I would not expect you to be perfect by now.", Hyunjin placed a hand in each of his shoulders and smiled at the guy encouragingly.

"But I'm a mess, I cannot even make it through the first part."

"And you still have a lot of time. All my other students haven't even learnt how to do one step well let alone parts, and It's saloon dance, it's not that hard."

"So what I'm hearing is that I am bad at this and should give up and never in my miserable life try and dance again."

It came out fast and made Hyunjin chuckle, which left Seungmin happy. The taller handed him his water bottle and they both sat at the sofa on the corner, trying to regain their breath from the hour before.

"You're too funny, I could have never known that if you didn't come to these classes, it's like you're a whole different person, you know?"

Seungmin nodded, chuckling.

"I guess it takes me time to get comfortable, and I'm not quite with your group yet."

Hyunjin raised his eyebrow.

"But you are with me, alone?"

"Maybe it's just that I'm too tired to care at this point.", he shrugged, making Hyunjin stick his tongue out, making him go crazy with his image.

"Don't be afraid to admit you're comfortable with me, I'm a very comfortable person.", Hyunjin smiled widely like a child.

"I don't know, I never slept on you." Seungmin only heard himself after it came out and cursed under his breath. "I mean, as a pillow, because you said-"

"I got it, Seungminnie, when you explain a joke it isn't funny anymore."

The shorter giggled as his check got pinched and Hyunjin had to take a sip of his water to stop himself from letting the sound repeat in his mind for the rest of the night.


"Isn't it cute? Just like you!"

Seungmin could swear that man was going to be the death of him.


They stayed in silence for a while before Hyunjin spoke again, the room growing darker as the sun set outside and the sair growing thicker and colder.

"Can I ask you something?" The shorter hummed, letting his body slide down to sit on the floor and laying his head back on the couch, staring at the ceiling with Hyunjin's leg next to his head. "You are taking these classes, but you don't want to go to prom, from what your friends say."

Seungmin sighed, letting the silence fill the room a bit more, too tired to stay awake for much longer. He let his eyes close.

"I don't know, I guess I want to be prepared."

"Is it because of the date? I can get you someone-"

"No. It's fine, I do have someone in mind I'm just not sure it would work."

Hyunjin hummed above him and Seungmin had to think for a while before his body and brain became aware of what was happening.

He frowned a bit as Hyunjin's hand pulled way after fixing a few strands of his hair, but he put it back after, messing with Seungmin's hair carefully and slowly.

"I see, well , I'm sure it will. You're an amazing person and I don't see why any girl wouldn't want to be your date."

"Thanks.", it came as a whisper, his body and mind almost slipping away to dreamland as Hyunjin keep massaging his skull. "And you? Who are you taking?"

Hyunjin twitched his nose, scotting closer to him and carefully moving Seungmin's head to his lap, startling the boy a bit but keeping on with his work on his head as he spoke.

He felt comfortable, Seungmin was warm.

"Not sure yet, maybe someone from the classes."

His hair was fluffy and smelt nice.

"Are you telling me the prince does not have a date yet, nor someone in mind?"

Seungmin smiled as he said that, lazily cuddling further into Hyunjin's lap, his head now a bit on the side, fitting perfectly in Hyunjin's hand.

His voice was beautiful, he wanted to hear more.

"Never really thought about it, maybe I'll go with the best dancer I find in this class as the other years. At least we do a great performance when the music comes."

"I see, so I just have to work hard."

Seungmin was too tired to care about what he had just said, and fell asleep just the second after, while Hyunjin froze, only his hand still messing with the younger's hair in a caring way.

He chuckled a bit awkwardly, noticing the sleeping boy in his lap, and traced his features mentally.

His nose.

His eyes.

His lips.

His lips.

Hyunjin gulped, staring at the mirror in front of them, wandering if he could even recognize himself, because his body and mind did not, nor his heart.

Maybe his answer was yes.

All Seungmin had to do was work hard.


It's the tea

Prom Date [Seungjin]Where stories live. Discover now