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Buckle up :)

Alexa play Winter Falls by Straykids because I imagine the song playing during a Prom.


There was a long silence as the song kept playing, the student that was responsible for the soundtrack didn't even bother to turn it off.

"T-that's not right-"

"This Is us making a point.", Chan took a step in front, and Seungmin could see his hand shaking from the next table. "This is us making our voices be heard. I am not the best example, but a lot of these people have been fighting against your close minded ideas for months, even years. Others have been struggling because of them.", Jeongin walked away from his family, ignoring his dad's whispers. "Your ideas that love needs a description. That it is limited to rules and definitions." The older scoffed. "I fucked up. I know I did, because you actually had me convinced I was doing a good thing by outing my friend. One of my best friends. You made me think it was okay to want to change someone, and the worst thing is you made me think I was protecting him. Well I wasn't. I never had to protect him from any sins or any god.", he shook his head, the room so silent his breath could be heard. "I should have protected him from you."

The adults turned to each other, like sheeps, letting the words create a wave of whispers. Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"Young man, this is not-"

"No. I am sick and tired of your speeches and sermons. Sick and tired of the limitation, of the prayers, or the secrets. I am tired of you turning this religion that can be so beautiful and empowering into such a selfish and distorted reality.", Chan's voice sounded hurt, and Seungmin only then realized he must have suffered as well with all of that. "We're not asking for understanding or for a change anymore. We're demanding one.", Jeongin reached out to Chan's hand, startling him a bit but smiling. Chan let the taller intertwined their fingers, eyes red and expression tired as he looked back to the socked man. "And we are going to have it. No matter what."

All young people in the room had a voice, and Seungmin knew their voices had to be strong together, just like they were literally as they backed Chan up.

He just never thought they cared.

"This is a prom, a Christmas prom, to celebrate a holiday. To celebrate Jesus's birth. And we are going to enjoy it, dance with our dates and friends, no matter what they look like or how they identify." He raised his voice even more, and Seungmin felt his heart slow down a bit, growing weirdly comfortable on that moment. "We are going to enjoy the night and you are not going to keep this bullshit up. Liking the same gender is okay, and we are not fighting you on this. This is our generation, our world.", he squeezed Jeongin's hand, feeling safer than ever after days of planning out that risky plan. "This is out time. And even if you chose to stay close minded, we are opening our arms."

"Why would you do that?", the man let out.

"Because it is normal.", Jeongin answer for the older, who whipped his head around and let his gaze soften at the sigh.

Felix nudged Changbin's shoulder and smiled softly at the guy, throwing an arm around his shoulder and ignoring the looks it got them.

Wooyoung let his head fall on San's shoulder, a tear falling down his eye as he finally felt comfortable to do that.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Can you define love?"

The man gulped visibly, looking over at the adults to see if he got some support, but just like sheeps they turned their heads down, not knowing how to think with their own brains.

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