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Tired today, not much to say

Alexa play Insomnia by Straykids.


Felix furrowed his eyebrows as he saw Seungmin and Hyunjin leaving together, their shoulders brushing as they walked on the snow, giggling at something like they had been the best friends even for years and never grew apart.

Since when had they became so close?

He shrugged his thoughts away, realizing he was late for basketball practice, almost running to the other side of school, before he spotted Changbin.

He frowned at the boy, who was rubbing his locker like a mad man, clear tears coming down his face as night fell upon the school.

By that time only the teams and clubs were at school and the hall was empty besides them two, which made Felix frown even more.

Why was he crying in the middle of an empty hall and-

He didn't even manage to take two steps towards the guy before he abruptly threw the sponge he was using to the side, groaning and cracking his voice, walking the opposite way.

Felix felt his heart break a bit, following the guy to the storage rooms. He rolled his eyes as he saw what the shorter was trying to clean, and he wished he had never read any of the words written over his locker.

He ran, thinking he had lost the guy, looking to all sides as all the storages rooms were closed, almost going past the one he had entered.

He turned to the noise of a door opening, his eyes meeting with Changbin's red ones as he held a container with a yellow liquid in his hand. The shorter's eyes widened immediately, his hand flew to close the door, but Felix managed to stop him, and his eyes were no longer on Changbin.


"What the hell?"

Changbin closed his eyes fiercely, tears running down again at a faster rhythm as Felix went past them inside the small room. There was a small, thin mattress on the floor, a folded old blanked and a lantern in a corner, visible but hidden, and the simple realization made Felix cry.

He felt the tears come, turning to the shorter and pressing his lips.


"Why are you... y-you...", Felix took a deep breath, his hands shaking. "How long?"

"Since the church day they outed me.", he bit his lip. "Dad didn't let me in a-and the janitor b-barely come here. I just have to hide sometimes and-"

"Are you fucking serious?", Felix scoffed, tears coming down his eyes, panicking Changbin. The shorter didn't do anything, but his heart broke a bit more at the sigh.

Why did he care?

"I-I, it's okay-"

"No, it's fucking not i- I'm so sorry, do you only have this blanket?" Changbin nodded. Felix closed his eyes for a while before pulling the shorter's arm and engulfing him in the warmest hug he had ever experienced in his life.

Changbin wrapped his arms around Felix's torso, burying his face on the taller's neck and sobbing against his skin, feeling Felix squeeze him protectively and a hand caressing his hair.

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