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Less than a week till Christmas hah

Alexa play Jingle Bells.


Changbin woke up with a head ache, and when he remembered it was Monday it got even worse.

He struggled to move around on the bed, facing the sleepy guy next to him and immediately smiling, his whole body seeming to be electrified as he silently shook his feet like a happy child.

"5 more minutes."

"We don't have 5 minutes, Lix.", he hovered over the taller, smiling at the way he groaned, still with his eyes closed, but still held his waist.

Felix pulled him down and made their bodies crash together, rolling and engulfing the laughing male into a bone crushing hug.

"5 more minutes.", he repeated, burying his face in Changbin's neck.

"Lix, we have school."

The blonde sighed against his skin, sending a wave of shivers down his spine and lifted his head, slowly opening his eyes and smiling softly at the boy.


"Morning." Changbin whispered back, lost in his eyes.

Felix leaned into peck his lips softly, making Chnagbin blush madly.

"Yah, oh god, Felix-"

"Don't become all shy now, you weren't like that yesterday.", he wiggled his eyebrows, earning a slap on the arm.

"Didn't you have a crush on some girl?"

"I thought I did.", Felix sat up, bringing Changbin with him, the shorter was on his knees in front of him, head a bit taller than his from the position. Felix kissed his nose, smiling. "But I'm sure about my crush on you."

Changbin bit his lip, trying to stop another smile to come, remembering the night before.

Felix crashed their lips together, making Changbin gasp into the kiss, immediately melting against the taller. He almost fell on him, even sitting down, hands gripping his shoulders and Felix quickly pulled him and moved them around so that he was facing him on his lap. He hugged his waist, letting Changbin mess up his hair and swirled his tongue on his bottom lip without any hesitation. The raven haired let out a breathy moan as the taller's tongue entered his mouth, felling too hot for the weather. Felix had chuckled at the noise, smiling against his lips and brushing them together, looking up.

"What did I just hear-"

"Nothing.", Changbin hissed at the pinch on his waist.

"Sure, that hard thing down there is also noth-"

"Are you mocking me or are you kissing me?"

Felix bit the shorter's lip and pulled, making Changbin pull his hair.

"Aish, you brat.", he pouted, pecking Changbin's lips, who shamelessly followed them as he tried to pull away. "Eager now, are we?"

"Did you not hear me saying how long I've been in love with you?"

It came out in such a natural way both of them simply stared at each other for a while. Changbin had no regrets, and Felix had no fears.

"Well you're not the only one."

He pulled him close again, connecting their lips in the gentlest way possible, and he barely deatatched them until his parents arrived, not daring to let go of the shorter as if he would evaporate if he did.

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