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Woke up ages ago but totally forgot today's chapter :)


Alexa play God Must Hate Me by acatei Turner ;)


The next day at school, Chan was quiet in his corner. He hadn't opened his mouth, but the way Felix looked anxiously at the door was making him go crazy.

So Changbin thought he liked boys.

Was it Felix that was causing him that?

"He's late, not dead, Lix. Calm down."

The blonde sighed.

"I know, but he's never this late and he never comes alone. I wouldn't worry if he was in a better place right now but someone decided to destroy the rest of his mental sanity."

"Well someone decided to want to suck his dick and I have to stop it."

Felix's eyes widened and he looked around, whispering back.

"Keep your mouth shut before someone hears you and you have to explain it."

Chan leaned in front, making Minho roll his eyes.

"Seriously guys?"

"Sure, I'll explain to them how you and him fell in love and give blowjobs to each other in the locker rooms."

"Aish, shut up.", Jisung face palmed. "You're being ridiculous."

"I don't like guys.", Felix muttered, looking in front.

"Liking or not, Chan is being a dick, as usual."

"Yea, but I just want to leave it clear that I don't like guys."

Chan leaned back with a smug smile.

"Well Changbin might think you do with all the touching. Maybe he thinks you love him back-"

"Are you seriously being that shitty to your friend right now?", Seungmin turned back and glared at him, tired of the conversation, and that was what snapped Hyunjin of his thoughts. He had been staring at his notebook, pretending not to hear anything, his eyes burning and mind tired. "You know what, yesterday I actually thought you were worried for him, no matter your opinion, that you wanted to actually help him or do what you think would help." The younger boy chuckled. "You're actually just an idiot who likes to say shitty things about his friends when they aren't here. And that's disgusting."

Chan seemed a bit taken aback, and didn't manage to answer as the shorter arrived to the class in that exact time. Changbin gulped at the sigh of Chan, who simply grumbled something and turned to the side. He sat without saying anything to anyone, and Felix had to contain his will to look back at him.

What if Chan was right?


Hyunjin was acting awkward, but Seungmin couldn't exactly blame him.

They danced without much talk and without locking eyes, which made the shorter pout a bunch of times, not realizing Hyunjin was watching him all the whole hour. The taller was confused. Not even knowing exactly with what.

He was confused about why he had gotten so close to Seungmin last time they had been there.

He was confused about why Changbin was suddenly like that.

About why Chan was so mean.

About why Felix was weird all day.

About why he missed Seungmin's voice by the middle of practise.

He knew he had brought it upon himself, but as they sat for their break, the younger scrolling through his phone without saying anything made Hyunjin almost burst.

He gulped, sitting a bit closer to him to get his attention. It worked, and that made him panic a bit, and Seungmin looked up with his eyebrows furrowed.

They were side to side on the couch, and Hyunjin bit his lip nervously, looking between their image on the mirror and back at him.

"You know if you want to say something you can just talk, right?", Seungmin wore a sly smile on his face, and Hyunjin cursed himself for being so affected as he smiled too and looked down, hoping the yellow light would cover up his blush.

Seungmin was nothing like he seemed at first, he had this personality that could turn the world around and that didn't seem to fit in any human's body. He was kind and funny, he was beautiful and breathtaking.

He was a whole world and Hyunjin loved to see him spin in the dance room.

The taller gulped, trying his hardest to suppress his thoughts.

"I feel like everyone is so weird today and I hate it."

"You're weird too.", Seungmin sighed, looking in front. "It was a... different day, yesterday, we had a few problems as a group and groups, and it's normal that we're a bit shaken up now."

"I guess, I still feel scared and bad."

"About what?"

Hyunjin melted a bit at the sweet voice.

Seungmin cared.

"I'm scared Chan will tell my dad or someone else and I'm... I feel bad for feeling weird about it. Even though I should, right? I-it's a sin and he needs help.", it was barely a whisper, but Seungmin turned to him on the sofa, his hands shaking a bit.

"Well, why do you think Chan shouldn't ask for that help, then?"

"You know, we both know they wouldn't help him, just hurt him. He's not strong enough to go through all of that.", Hyunjin aggressively sighed, taking his hands to the head. "He always liked girls, Seungmin, always. When we grew up, he always talked about girls and... and now, suddenly-"

"What if it's not suddenly?"

The older furrowed his eyebrows.


"What if it's not something sudden? He was just  scared before. Still is actually, but got too much? You said it yourself he is not strong enough for this." Seungmin cleared his throat, trying not to sound too biased. "Maybe he felt like this since his life started, but was always too scared to say anything. Maybe Felix awoke something in him, and he's comfortable with us so he was touchy with him as well. Maybe it's not even Felix, maybe it's just something different, he just had enough or can't hide it anymore."

Hyunjin let the silence between them stretch for a bit too long, his mind connecting dots that didn't even need to be connected, tangling thoughts after thoughts.

"Maybe. I don't know, I can't process this.", he hit his own head slightly, which made Seungmin grab his hand. He kneeled on the couch, holding Hyunjin's arms and smiling as the boy looked up.

Hyunjin only realized then how close they were, once again.

"How about you just forget about it for now, as long as you keep being by his side until you can process it and not be an idiot like Chan, okay?" Hyunjin nodded, gulping.

That boy was beautiful.

"I'll d-do that."

"Great. Then we should try and keep your head distracted for now, you're thinking too much.

Hyunjin's eyes fell onto Seungmin's lips without a hint of shame in his iris, but the shorter didn't realize.


"Yep.", Seungmin pulled the P and let go of Hyunjin's arms, pulling him up and smiling cutely.

"Let's keep practicing."

Something broke inside Hyunjin's and he cleared his throat.


That was not what he wanted.

He took his hands to cup his face, groaning at the heat.

What did he want from Seungmin?


Yes, what?😉

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