chapter 5

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jeonghan's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes there across the street from me was one of my friends from high school soonyoung, but he hadn't noticed me. I saw him waving to someone and looked to see who it was and was shocked to see that it was another one of my best friends seokmin. seokmin was walking towards soonyoung and soonyoung was just waiting for him they both hugged each other and walked into a building. Now this building wasn't just any normal building, it was the company of a really rich man it was called HJC. The owner of the company is a very scary businessman named Mr Hong no one knows his real name though in fact no one knows anything about him just that he is rich and that he is the son of some dude whose name I forgot. To be honest I don't really care about the company or Mr Hong that much, sure he may be amazing but to me he doesn't sound that interesting to me. I've heard that Mr Hong is very strict and rude and I don't do well with rude people. Apparently, he is really handsome, according to some people he is the hottest man alive which I think isn't true because I'm the hottest man alive. 

"ghan, jeonghan JEONGHAN" yelled a voice snapping me out of my thoughts 

"w-what happened" i asked confused 

"bruh you just stopped walking and started staring at nothing for no absolute reason" wonwoo said looking at me as if i were some alien

"oh i did haha" i said embarrassed while rubbing my neck letting out an awkward chuckle 

"well what were you thinking about?" Jun asked curiously 

"oh nothing"

"oh come on tell us"

"well you guys wont believe it but i just saw soonyoung and seokmin walk into that company" i said whilst pointing towards the building

"wait what you just saw them walk into there?" mingyu asked eyes wide pointing at the building dramatically and staring at the building trying to see them through the glass doors

"yeah are you sure it was them. What if it was someone who looks like them" wonwoo asked putting a hand on Mingyu's shoulder and stopping him from doing anything weird like running in or screaming 

"i know what i saw guys it was definitely them" i said at first it didn't seem like they believed me but seeing the desperate look on my face they decided to give in 

"wait even if it was them what were they doing inside there?" Jun asked confused nodding his head towards the building, as he has also heard about the strict manager from our other colleagues who like to gossip about absolutely everything. We all just shrugged. After we had all moved to America i cut ties with almost everyone. It was hard at first but i had to do it for mine and jihans safety. I'm guessing the others didn't want me to feel bad as they too stopped talking about all them

"dad what are you guys even talking about" jihan asked me while tugging at my shirt pulling me back into reality

"huh oh nothing baby anyways its getting late we should go" i said taking hold of his tiny, little hands

"lets about this at home guys" mingyu nods as he held gyuwoos hand. Kwanon looked at us with ice cream smeared all over his mouth, the kid was very cute he had a round face like seungkwans while his eyes and node looked like Vernon's. He walked with us until we reached his home, which was a decent size an had a lovely view.  Once he arrived at his doorstop he turned and gave us a cute wave before walking into his house. His house wasn't that far from ours there was just a huge park you had to walk through to get to our house. We all put our money together to buy our house. It is very big almost like a mansion, sometimes i find myself getting lost in the endless corridors. After walking through the park we arrived home and the kids ran off to their room to play, while we all sat down and started to talk about what happened 

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