chapter 12

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Joshua's POV

It is a cold, windy day and here I am working my ass off. I had just recently moved to America to open another company to expand my successful business. I moved here a few months ago with my wife, Sung Sangkyo and a few of my close friends. I had married her as my past lover Jeonghan had told me too. We made a deal that would marry her then after a few months we would divorce and then I would marry him but, I don't know what happened but on my wedding day he disappeared. I am really disappointed in him, he promised me that he would never leave me but he did. He said that he never breaks a promise well that was a huge lie. I hate him for leaving me, I looked everywhere for him and I still am looking but not as hard as I did before, if he wants me to find him I will but it looks like after all these years he still doesn't want to come back. I do not remember anything bad happening on that day. Last time I checked, we were completely fine so what caused him to make this huge change. I still remember the wedding day, it's a day that I would never forget. The events of that day have been burnt into my mind and will forever rest there until the day I die. Me and him were messing around and having fun just before the wedding started. I was impatiently waiting for it to end so that I could spend the night in his arms and just forget the fact that I was now married to someone who was not him. When I was with Jeonghan all of my problems would fade away. Just being in his arms would make me feel at ease right away. However, once the wedding was over and everyone started to congratulate us I looked around everywhere for han but he was no where to be found. I remember going around asking every single person that was there , if they had seen Jeonghan but they all declined saying that they didn't see him and had no idea where he had gone. I was so frustrated that no one had a clue about his whereabouts. As soon as I got home, I started a search party for him but unfortunately I had no luck. I asked my parents if they had seen him but they both denied. Thankfully my mother felt pity for me and decided to help me out while my father just said that Jeonghan probably ran away because he didn't actually love me and was just using me. At first I didn't want to believe him, but in a way it kinda did make sense, if he loved me he wouldn't have left me. My fathers words kept getting to me, he told me to call of the search as there was no sign that he was returning. I decided to listen to his words and call it off but there was a part of me that still loved him and knew that there was probably an explanation for his disappearance and so I had a secret search force that I had sent out to look for him, one that I had not told anyone about especially my dad. But, I think that my friends have already figured out. They are not that good with giving me my privacy and like to pry into my business almost all the time.

After he left, I was a big mess. I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't sleep. I just kept looking but I never found him. A few weeks after the wedding, One of the men I sent out to look for Jeonghan found a small clip of Jeonghan leaving the wedding, he looked as if he was crying I couldn't see properly as it was also raining, he quickly ran out of the place whilst the rain soaked his clothes. I don't get it why was he running? After watching that clip I was very stressed as I tried to get some more footage of Jeonghan to see where he went but unfortunately luck wasn't on my side. My family and friends were all getting upset about my health, so they forced me to take care of myself. They kept telling me that I should take a break and who knows he might return, but they were wrong he never came back. A few years later decided give up on looking for him. If he loved me he would have came back to me. But, no matter what I tried I just couldn't get him out of my head, I wouldn't be able to rest until I find him. My wife wasn't really around that much she was always out with her friends and stuff but I didn't pay much attention to it she just wants to enjoy her life, something that I wont be able to ever do. I allow her to use my money because if I'm not gonna use it she might as well use it, even if it's for stupid reasons. The day that we got married, she told me how she didn't actually love me and that she only married me for the companies to get stronger and bigger so I confessed and told her that I didn't love her either and that the marriage was just for business. Besides from her, my friends had tried really hard in helping me look for Jeonghan. They themselves didn't know why he had suddenly disappeared and wanted to know where he had gone to. We turned all of south Korea upside down just to look for him but unfortunately there was no trace of him. Its like he completely vanished.

Thankfully, work was now over and I could finally leave and have a good, long nap. I slowly started to put my stuff away when I felt as if I had forgotten something. Then suddenly I remembered that I was going to have lunch with the guys seungkwan, Vernon, soonyoung and seokmin. I exited the building and hopped into my car and started to drive towards the location that soonyoung sent me, which was surprisingly near to my company. I sighed deeply as I remembered to call them to see if they had grabbed us some seats. I grabbed my phone with my left hand as my other stopped at a red light, I tapped soonyoung's name and waiting as it started ringing. After a few rings, he answered

"Hyunggg where are you?" he whined

"I'm coming soonie, I was just busy at work, I almost forgot we were hanging out today" I laughed at his cuteness as I the lights turned red

"how dare you! anyways hurry and get your big butt over here fast" he whined

"my butts not that big" I mumbled

"your butt it huge shut up and oh wait I almost forgot, phone the other two idiots"

"why cant you? I'm driving what if I crash" I whined

"because me and seokie are gonna some alone time since we haven't had time together ever since his new job has started" he spoke as I heard seokmin laughing in the background

"eww you lot are nasty eww" I teased them, trying to annoy them. Just as I expected he ended the call before I could say anything else. I chuckled as I tapped Vernon's phone to call him but It went straight to voicemail. How rude. I then called the other idiot Seungkwan and waited after a few rings he finally answered. But, he sounded kinda off, as if he had been running a marathon and I had just interrupted his race

"oi what do you want Hyung?" he asked hurriedly

"I thought we were gonna meet up at the new café. The seoksoon couple are already there and I've just reached the place. Its just you guys we are waiting for" I said as I pulled up into the café car park

"oh shit I forgot- I mean don't worry me and Vernon are almost there" he stuttered as I heard his fumble around with his keys and stuff

"are you guys bringing kwanon?" I asked quietly

"yes we are" he spoke calmly

"YASSS thank you" I squealed the thing is I love kids they are so cute, me and Jeonghan had always talked about having one together

"your welcome you big baby" he laughed lightly "ok I got to go now were on our way" he said quickly

"oh ok bye" I said and he hung up almost immediately. how weird

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