chapter 9

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Joshua's POV

I was working in my office when i heard my phone ringing it was my father uhhh what does he want

"hello" i said trying to sound calm as i had lots of work to complete

"Jisoo come to my office after you have finished your work i have something very important to tell you so hurry up" he told me in his normal demanding voice

"ok father" i simply said and hung up uhh i love my dad and all but he can be dad a big cow  sometimes. I've got so much work to do and once i had finished i wanted nothing more than to just cuddle with my jeonghannie and talk about random stuff while listening to his honey like voice that would always manage to calm me down. His smile is so angelic that it melts my heart every time he looks at me and when he speaks it feels like music to my ears so calm and soothing. He is always there for me at times when I'm stressed with work, i sighed thinking about him made me happy and gave me energy to continue working 

As i had finished i packed my stuff i walked towards my dads office and knock gently waiting for him to let me i heard a grunt and a loud 'come in' from the other side of the door, making me take a deep breathe before opening the door and proceeding to walk towards him, he motions towards the chair in front of his desk making me take a seat on the soft chair as i turn all my attention onto him

"good evening father what was it you wanted?" i said looking over at him 

"well son listen carefully now i don't want you to get angry or anything but you have to do this and if you don't our company will flop and if you do then we could possibly end up having the biggest company in the world and then we can move to America and live a nice life there but that will only happen if you listen to me and break up with that filthy animal jeongbans or whatever his stupid name is" my dad told me glaring at me as he mentioned jeonghan

"First of all the answer is no i will never leave jeonghan i love him too much, i would never want to leave him because of your company and second of all his name is jeonghan, Yoon Jeonghan and he is my future i wouldn't want to imagine one without him" and with that i stormed out of his office i was so angry at my father i thought he liked jeonghan turns out he doesn't. i was so mad so i just got in my car and drove home. Once i got home i was tackled into a hug by Jeonghan 

"Joshuji i missed youu" Jeonghan said pecking my lips. Lately, i have been noticing that Jeonghan has kinda gotten a lot more clingy than usual but i mean I'm not complaining i love the extra attention especially if its from him

"awwww my baby missed me, i missed you too" i said teasing him he just stuck his tongue out and pouted i laughed at him and kissed his pouty lips he always cheers me up even by doing nothing. i really am whipped for him.

We decided to order a take out as we were both too lazy to cook and whilst we were eating we watched some horror movies and once we were done we just cuddled in bed laughing and goofing around and i had slowly forgot about the conversation that i had with my dad, being with Jeonghan was amazing and he always made me forget about my problems that was one of the things i loved about him and made me fall for him. 

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