chapter 7

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They arrive at their place and Vernon and seungkwan are just stood there mouths wide open

"wait why didn't you guys tell me that you all lived in a mansion" Vernon said his mouth still hanging wide open

"umm probably because you never asked" wonwoo said rolling his eyes and shutting his mouth

 Mingyu got his keys out and went to open the front door while jeonghan let the kids out of the car

"GUYS YOUR BACK" Jun said running towards them with water balloon's in his hands and chucking them at everyone

"JUN!" the 3 adults spluttered soaked in water

"what the flip!" the other two said shocked from the sudden surprise. The kids were just laughing at their parents but soon got bored so they to play with their toys

"wait a second is that seungkwan and Vernon?" Jun said pointing to the two who were trying to dust the water off of them but it wasn't working so they just gave up

"huh oh yeah they are Kwanon's parents" jeonghan answered

"you lucky bitch you got married to your crush" Jun said throwing his arms around seungkwan. seungkwan and Jun met each other in drama class and soon became friends. Jun was jeonghans childhood friend he had started school later than the others and when he did he told  jeonghan and he decided to introduce Jun to their friend group which consisted of seungcheol, jeonghan, Joshua, soonyoung, wonwoo, Jihoon, mingyu, minghao, seokmin, seungkwan, Vernon, Chan but Joshua was sick for that week and never got to meet Jun. When Joshua had came back they were all busy with school work and stuff so Joshua never got to meet Jun. In the last few months of University Jun had dropped out as he wanted to go fulfil his dream to become an actor and he had succeeded but he had to move to America for it. 

"yeah" seungkwan said muffling into Jun's shoulder

"I'm so happy for you" Jun said squeezing his really tightly

 "i...cant...breathe" seungkwan said gasping for air 

"oh sorry haha i guess i was too happy i missed you guys so much" Jun said letting go of him

"aww thanks, i missed you guys too" seungkwan said smiling at him

"ok ok that's enough" Vernon said pulling seungkwan closer towards him gently by his waist, away from Jun. "anyways you said that you would tell us what happened? why did you leave all of a sudden? we looked everywhere for you especially Joshua but we couldn't find any one of you guys" Vernon said looking at all the guys. The mention of Joshuas name and the fact that he was looking for him after he left made jeonghans heart skip a few beats

"lets sit down first my legs are hurting" seungkwan said running to the sofa and jumping on it they all followed behind him

"ok you guys already know me and wonwoo wanted to open a shop and we thought that we should open it in America, we were gonna surprise you guys but we got surprised after hearing that Joshua was gonna marry some random lady who wasn't Jeonghan, i mean they loved each other so much and we would of never had expected that to happen, so we forgot to tell you guys. However, the day that we were supposed to move to America was also the same day as Joshua's wedding and obviously we couldn't cancel our tickets as we really wanted to make our café and i don't think that we would have enjoyed watching one of our besties marry someone who isn't the love of his life " mingyu said explaining their part 

"we were glad that we missed the wedding because if we hadn't, we wouldn't of have met up with Jeonghan Hyung and Jun Hyung who were also on their way to America but for a different reason" wonwoo said explain the rest while Vernon and seungkwan were listening intensely

"ohhhh wow but why didn't you guys phone us" seungkwan said frowning

"after a lot of begging Jeonghan had told us everything that happened and why he had to leave, we felt really bad so we decided not to get in contact with any of you guys coz you guys might of told Joshua where Jeonghan was and he would come and waste his time looking for him and jeonghan didn't want any of that to happen so he told us not to tell you guys"

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