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i was on my way out the door to get picked up by mia when my mom yelled, "AG, DONT FORGET, WE HAVE THE DINNER WITH BRYAN TONIGHT SO DONT BE LATE!". "OK MOM BYE I LOVE YOU". and i walked out the door. bryan is my mom's boyfriend of 6 months, and i've met him before, and he'c cool i guess. i'm not really used to having a father figure, so its kinda weird.

i get in mia's car and she tackles me with a hug. she hasn't been at school because her mom got a huge business deal somewhere over in europe, and she had to miss almost 3 fucking weeks of school. that bitch. "AG OMFG I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" "DUDE WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE ME WITH ALL THE RATCHET ASS KIDS! BITCH I CANT DEAL WITH THEM ON MY OWN!" i yelled back. jesus i am so fucking glad she's back, even though there's literally 2 weeks of school left, THEN SUMMER!

we pulled into the parking lot, greeted by avery and soph. they're so cute together omg. jelous. but its not like im not getting any action if u know what i mean. "so has either of you thought of places we could go for the last day of school?" soph asked. me and mia looked at each other and burst out laughing. neither of us could plan for our lives. "BITCH NO! I CAN BARELY FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO WITH MY GIRLFRIEND, LET ALONE PLAN TWO FUCKIN WEEKS IN ADVANCE!" i scream laughed. its true. im a horrible planner for things far away. i mean 3 days is kinda far away.

i walk into school, and caught up with gia, my girlfriend. i like her a lot, but our relationship has rocky since she said she loved me and i kinda. um. left? yeah ik its bad. anyways i give her a gentle kiss and say "goodmorning baby." in a raspy voice. i know she likes it. ah too easy. she looks at me and bite her lip. i really dont want to do anything more, thankfully im saved by the first bell. "awwwww babyyyy. pleaseeee" she whines. i roll my eyes playfully and give her what she wants. i push her against the wall and we makeout in the empty hallway for like 5 minutes. great. the late bell rings. im late. again. shit.

i get to my first period late ofc and my teacher pretty much expects it at this point. since its the last 2 weeks of school and exams just finished, we have an easy quiz. mia sits next to me and we talk about whats going on for like the whole 40 minutes left in class. apparently she has to make up ALL her exams this week and next week since she was gone. "shit bro that fuckin sucks oh my god." i say. "bitch i know right. why do we even have exams anyways? its not like im gonna be a chemist when i grow up. too much fucking math." she replies. 

i walk to my next period, avoiding gia. my techer wants to be "fun" and change the seating chart. like bitch- i already liked who i was sitting next to. no need to change anything. ugh. i move seats to sit next to this girl. man she's hot. and im pretty sure she's gay too. i check her out, making it a little obvious, she looks up from her phone and makes eye contact with me. she immediately blushes and looks down, embarrassed. bro, i love this. i move closer to her and try to start a conversation. "im ag, whats ur name?" she looks up at me "becca". becca. sounds nice. i whisper in her ear, asking if i can put my hand on her thigh. her breath hitches. she looks down and nods. 

i keep my hand there for the rest of class, slowly riding farther up. she had on a skirt, so it was easy. the bell rang. i whispered to her again, "see you tomorrow becca". her face goes red again. i know exactly what im doing.

i meet back up with mia for lunch. she knows im kind of a player, so shes used to me telling her things like this. "ag" she said. shit. she sounds serious. "yeah?" i reply. "bro you need to stop cheating and hitting on every single gay girl ever." fuck. she's right tho. i guess this means i have to break up with gia. 

a/n: hey guys! this was really just a chapter to show ag has commitment issues. thats it. bye!

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