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the morning after i met jack, i snapped her and asked her if she wanted to go to the park. it has a basketball court and a skating area, so it's perfect. i call mia and ask her if she wanted to go with me. she said yes obviously and picked me up.

"so.... about jack, do u like her?" mia asked. i really don't know. i mean she's cute, like really cute, but im still with gia. " um, idk right now. i mean i'm still dating gia. but yeah, she's cute." i say back, fidgeting with my fingers. "that's never stopped u before. but yeah i get it. maybe just see where it goes and u can decide then." she replied, nudging my arm. i nod and look up as we pull in to the parking lot.

we walk over to the basketball court and do a little warmup thing with free throws. i make most of them in, mia laughing at me when i miss. we saw 2 other guys who asked if we wanted to do 2v2. we said yes and started playing.

we played for about 20 mins until i saw jack get out of her car. she was beautiful. she saw us playing and i quickly returned to the game. i glanced and saw her sit down and go on her phone.

"u should go say hi" mia said, making fun of me. "ugh fine. but what do i say?" mia laughed, " just give her a hug and invite her over." i nodded and started to walk over to her. she was facing towards the playground and didn't see me.

" hey." i said. i apparently startled her and she spun around. " oh, hey." she said back. i gave her a hug and invited her to be our scorekeeper. she nodded and got up. she stumbled a little and held onto the table. jesus, i bet she has a really bad hangover. " are you ok?" i asked, concerned. she looked up at me and nodded, following me to the court. she sat down and held up her hands like she was in elementary school. it was so cute.

i walked over to mia and she was laughing at me. "ur such a simp." she said laughing a looking over at jack. i slapped her and told her to shut up. i glance at jack, smiling at her. she smiled back, her dimples showing. oh my god she's so cute. but last night, she was so fucking hot. confidence is so attractive.

me and mia won our game and laughed as we walked over to jack. she stood up really fast and held onto the basketball pole so she didn't fall. "hey, are u ok? u seem really dizzy." i asked and looked at mia. she said she was fine and smiled to reassure us. i nodded and showed the way to the skating area.

i could tell she had never skated before. i looked at mia as to tell her i wanted to be alone with jack. she nodded and winked at me as she skated to talk to some other people at the park.

i turned around and jack was looking at me. she was 7 inches shorter than me, so she was looking pretty far up. " ok, so you stand like this and push off with your right foot." i showed her and skated away, turning back to let her try. i stood next to her so she could lean on me. she said ok and grabbed my shoulder as she got on the board. she almost immediately leaned on me to keep herself from falling. i laughed. " oh my god why is this so fucking hard. you make it look so easy." she said, looking down at her feet. " it's not, u just have no coordination." i teased her. she slapped my arm, smiling.

i stood next to her and started pushing her to move forward. she almost lost her balance and practically screamed " AG WHY DID YOU DO THAT. IM NOT READY" i just laughed at her. " ur cute when ur mad." she rolled her eyes and smiled.

we did that for about 10 mins before she said " im ready to do it by myself." i could tell she's stubborn. " ok, but it's not my fault if u fail." i laughed. she rolled her eyes again and got on the board. she pushed off and actually went pretty far, until she reached the ramp.  i hadn't taught her to stop correctly, so she pretty much wiped out.

i ran over." oh my god are you ok?" she was still on the ground, holding her stomach? i would expect her knee or ankle, but her stomach? whatever. " yeah im good. ur just a bitch for not telling me how to stop." she was laughing at me and i smiled and helped her up.

" wanna go eat?" i asked. she looked at me and smiled. " yeah, where do u wanna go?" i knew she had already been to ralph's but that place was good. " let's go to Ralph's" i said. she looked at me nervously and i remembered last night. " yeah i guess." she said her smile dropped. " hey, it's gonna be fine, let's go." i said, holding her hand. she looked at me and said she didn't know where it was. " oh yeah i forgot that ur first day here was literally yesterday." she nodded and smiled at me. " but i got a ride here with mia, so could we take ur car?" she nodded and took me to her car. it was nice. i got in on the passenger side, and she sat down too.

" i don't know the way, so ur gonna have to direct me." she said, looking at me. her eyes were so beautiful. i could look at them for hours. "if u wanna look, u have to kiss me first." i was caught off guard and looked away quickly, covering my face, which is so weird. normally i would have leaned in and kissed her, but not pulled away. she laughed leaned over to me. i looked back at her, staring at my lips.

hey guys! happy holidays!

1015 words

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