Chapter I Remastered - Redo?

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Marvel: So, here we are again. I'm going to start the chapter instantly. But before that, a note. Even though it says that this chapter is remastered, I would recommend reading the previous part/version, since it ties back to some incidents from the older version. Just sayin' since maybe some of you would just skip to this version. With that out of the way, enjoy!

??? Date, ??? Time, Marvel's POV

Marvel: Hm, this seems a bit too much for him, don't you think?

I watched him walk into the town, feeling down and probably devastated. He dropped to his knees and cried... the guilt must be too much to bear.

Marvel: I think... I should give him a second chance.

I walked over to him and pat his back.

Kylo: ... who are you?

Marvel: That doesn't matter, my name is Marvel though. I saw what happened and... I feel bad.

Kylo: So it was your order!?

He held the brim of my shirt. I didn't phase at all, while he was pushing all of his anger to me. I touched his arm, trying to comfort him while calming him down, but it did the exact opposite.

Kylo: Why did you do this!? Everything was going so well for us, too! Why...

Marvel: It's my fault for not keeping an eye on him, but you're at fault too for breaking the laws of time. You need to accept that, and I accepted my mistakes. *whisper* Even though past mistakes are still unforgettable...

Kylo didn't say anything but slowly grew limp to the floor.

Marvel: I don't know if my decisions are correct, but the decision I'm about to make will not be something I regret. How about you do a "redo"?

Kylo: What do you mean... by "redo"?

Marvel: Well, the meaning is pretty straightforward. You go back in time to when you meet Aqua for the first time, and replay everything. How does that sound?

Kylo: Will I... lose my memories?

Marvel: That's a decision for you to make. If you do keep your memories, then I'll be forced to... get rid of two of your sisters, alongside Emerald and Neo. If you don't, then everything goes the same way.

Kylo: Losing... two of my... sisters?

Marvel: *deep sigh* Yes, Kylo. It's unfortunate, but everything comes with a catch. The world is cruel, you know that, don't you? It's not common for me to have a very very light punishment for someone breaking such an important rule. The punishment could've gotten way worse, but this was also my fault, so I gave a lighter one. Your decision?

Kylo: Can I think about this... a little longer?

Marvel: Take your time, there's nothing to do here, anyway.

I walked back to the spot I was earlier to give him time to think. I... regret what I did, okay? I didn't expect this outcome to play out, so I was shocked. The least I can do is let him either fix this mess or go with it. I waited around 15 minutes, then I walked back to where he was, he had a contemplative face on so I approached him slowly.

Marvel: So? If you need more time, I'll come back later.

Kylo: I... want the first option. I rather cherish the memories of what happened to us all this time. Who isn't coming back?

Marvel: Well, it pains me to say this, but it's Sinon and Yuuki. Lucea will still stay with you, but she won't remember anything that's happened. Let me set this straight with you, if you tell them about your past, I won't go lightly anymore, and there will be a severe punishment for it. I don't want to give you that, so please keep your mouth shut.

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